Contact Us
Medical students and applicants may arrange for appointments held between 9:00am - 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with Wendy Clark, or email somfinancialaid@hsc.utah.edu.
The main campus University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid is located in the Student Services Building, room 105 (105 SSB). Staff members are available to assist you during the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; and 10:00am - 5:00pm on Tuesday. Students may contact their office at 801-581-6211.
When corresponding, please use this information:
School of Medicine Contact
Wendy Clark
Financial Aid Administrator
University of Utah School of Medicine
27 S. Mario Capecchi Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Email: somfinancialaid@hsc.utah.edu
University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Contact Main Campus
Shana Yem
Program Manager Professional Schools
University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
University of Utah
201 S. 1460 E. Rm. 105
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9055
Email: syem@sa.utah.edu
Please visit their web site to learn more about the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid and the status of your file. You may also access your financial aid file on the web through the Campus Information System (CIS).
Students can upload requested required documents through their website. Documents that can be uploaded/attached through the links include: tax documents, W-2(s), verification documents, appeal documents, social security card, driver's license, ect. Chrome and Firefox work best with the uploader. There is also a drop box outside the main campus office for afterhours submission of documents.