High School Offerings
The RUUTE & Regional Affairs Program offers a variety of high school Pipeline community engagement programming opportunities. Whether high schools are looking to get involved for only a day or long-term, RUUTE has options for both scenarios through the Rural Outreach Program (ROP) and the High Schoolers 4 Health Sciences (HS4HS) program. Both programs can be tailored to suite the class or school as a whole. If you have questions regarding either program, please reach out to Kacey.Warburton@hsc.utah.edu
Rural Outreach Program
The Rural Outreach Program (ROP) is a student-run organization that delivers health science learning experiences to high school students around Utah and the Intermountain West. This opportunity allows medical students to practice teaching, provide hands-on instruction to students with dissections, and provide insight on the pathway to being in medical school and some of the pros and cons. Trips occur throughout the school year.
High school students will participate in activities related to the human heart, ultrasound, blood pressure basics, tips for student success, and mindfulness techniques. There is a lecture and hands-on learning through working in pairs.
If you are interested in us to come and present at your school, we would love to hear from you. Please complete our interest form here and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.
High Schoolers for Health Science
Program Description
RUUTE’s High Schoolers 4 Health Sciences (HS4HS) program is an engaging health science program created and hosted by a committee of rural and underserved high school students. This program includes funding provided by RUUTE for an adult HS4HS advisor(s) to facilitate and guide a committee of high schoolers in creating Health Science Socials which promote engagement and interest in the health science career pathways. Socials will be informal events for teens to socialize with food and drinks, alongside a health science presenter where students will get the opportunity to ask questions and have in-depth conversations. This program is created by teens for teens, with the assistance of an HS4HS advisor and RUUTE Team Member.
Who can participate & operate a HS4HS event?
The HS4HS program is open for a variety of different locations and adult advisor(s) in rural and underserved areas of Utah. An adult advisor can be a high school educator/counselor, public librarian, community center leader, etc. Their role is to help host the HS4HS teen committee members at a safe public location of their choosing. The core group of high school students need to be within the grades of 9th - 12th grade. The committee of high schoolers need to be at the core of the creation of the Health Science Socials, while inviting fellow classmates and peers to attend future socials.
Topics can include and are not limited to:
· Rural health sciences careers featuring a local physician
· Diseases & Prevention featuring a local epidemiologist
· Seasonal Affective Disorder featuring a mental health professional
· Creating Positive Mental Health featuring a local community organization
· Different Healthcare Career Pathways (neurology, surgery, obgyn, family medicine, etc...)
What can you expect from RUUTE:
1. Provide resources and professional contacts for creation of HS4HS Socials.
2. Provide funding for University of Utah speaker travel and lodging as well as RUUTE team member travel on an as needed basis.
3. Supply applicants with guidance, feedback, and ongoing discussion on presentations.
4. Provide evaluation and help with marketing materials if needed. All marketing will occur independent of the University of Utah unless approved ahead of time.
To find more ways to donate towards rural medical student scholarships, please visit the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine Website.
Please contact the RUUTE Team with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Email: RUUTE@umail.utah.edu