Rural Clinical Experiences
There are many great reasons to become a preceptor with RUUTE & Regional Affairs and to teach students during their clinical experiences.; Most preceptors, patients, and staff find interacting with medical students to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.;Additionally, our medical students love the opportunity to expand their education and work in the community under the supervision of one of our community preceptors.;To take on and educate students, community preceptors will need to receive adjunct status.;Each department retains the authority to determine adjunct status; however, RUUTE & Regional Affairs assist in the process.
Meet Dr. Lewis: A Rural Preceptor
Meet Dr. Ryan Lewis. He is a RUUTE community preceptor, and takes 3rd year students during their general surgery rotation and provides them with a 2 week surgical out-patient experience in St. George. Dr. Lewis has been awarded the RUUTE preceptor of the month award for his outstanding mentorship of UUSOM students. When asked what his favorite thing about working with and teaching medical students he replied, “The students teach me a whole lot more than I feel like I teach them. They come prepared and eager to learn and that motivates me to be better and to want to stay current in my own surgical specialty.” When asked how he got started as a preceptor he replied, “I always enjoyed teaching when I was a resident, and that just seemed to carry forward into my clinical practice. I was always grateful for faculty and residents that took the time to teach me when I was a medical students, and I hope that I am able to maintain the same attitude throughout my career.” We love having the opportunity to work with preceptors and educators such as Dr. Lewis, and hope you consider the opportunity to take and educate our students and pass on your knowledge to the next generation of physicians.

To find more ways to donate towards rural medical student scholarships, please visit the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine Website.
Please contact the RUUTE Team with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.