Outpatient Schedule Overview
Residents begin their outpatient rotations in PGY3.
All PGY3 residents have a full day of continuity clinic (RCC) per week, seeing patients who they may follow for the duration of their training (PGY4 residents continue with a half-day a week at their RCC site). RCC clinics are situated at the renovated HMHI (formerly UNI) downtown location or at the VA, and there is space for one resident in Summit County seeing a greater proportion of community Medicaid patients.
In PGY3 residents spend one half to one full day a week integrated in a primary care clinic (MHI) serving in a consult role.
Once residents have completed their ACGME requirements (child, geriatric, addiction, community, and forensic requirements), some of which are met by earlier inpatient rotations, the remaining clinic days can be at a wide variety of elective sites. A sampling of sites are listed below, though subject to change. There are a number of well-supervised psychotherapy electives for residents who want therapy experience beyond the patients they will carry in RCC.
All residents are encouraged to develop electives that meet their learning needs. Special consideration is given to learning opportunities with the rigor required to become an excellent clinician. Please see the ‘concentrations’ section for some examples of rotations that are currently in development.
As PGY4s, residents may choose from a broad range of outpatient electives and can also opt to return to their favorite inpatient or consult sites as junior attendings.