Fundamentals of Endoscopic (FES) & Laparoscopic (FLS) Surgery
Endoscopic Surgery
Endoscopy is a critical skill for general surgeons, especially those who are going into practice in rural environments.

Endoscopy is a critical skill for general surgeons, especially those who are going into practice in rural environments. The American Board of Surgery has mandated that all surgery residents pass the Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery curriculum (FEC) and the Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery practical exam (FES). At Utah, we not only provide you with the educational material to pass FEC, we are also a testing center for FES. This means you will train on the simulator on which you will test. The entire fundamentals program is completed during the first three years or residency. For more information, please see the Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery website
Laparoscopic Surgery
Our program feels very strongly that FLS should be mastered early in residency such that you have the skills necessary to complete the basic laparoscopic procedures during residency.

The Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) education program can be used as either a teaching tool or as a graduation requirement (as mandated by the American Board of Surgery). Our program feels very strongly that FLS should be mastered early in residency such that you have the skills necessary to complete the basic laparoscopic procedures during residency.
For more information on the FLS program, please check the main FLS Website

Marshall S. Baker, MD, MBA
Director, Surgical Simulation

Karen Porter, RN
Nurse Educator, Surgical Simulation
DIRECTOR: Laura Lambert, MD, FACS
- Phone: 801-581-6803
- Email: gensurg-residency@hsc.utah.edu