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Medical Student Education in Plastic Surgery


The Division of Plastic Surgery teaches several courses for medical students in addition to offering an integrated and independent residency and five fellowships. There is also opportunity for shadowing for undergraduate and pre-medical students.

We are pleased to offer positions for visiting students for the 2025-2026 academic year. Applications will be accepted in VSLO starting April 15, 2025. As part of your VSLO application you will be required to submit a document answering the following questions, each answer should be 100 words or less:

  • Why do you want to do a rotation at University of Utah in 100 words or less
  • How would friends and family describe you in 100 words or less
  • How would physicians you work with describe you in 100 words or less

Please also make sure your CV contains your USMLE/COMLEX scores and all of your research projects, including those that are in the submission phase.

Please apply by April 22, 2025 to be considered for first round of invitations. Decisions regarding applications will be sent April 30, 2025. If we have additional spots open after this time, we will consider applications on a rolling basis. For more information regarding the application process for University of Utah students and see the rotation dates, please visit the student affairs page

For any additional questions, please contact

For those interested in applying to the University of Utah Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency program, a meet and greet information session is held each year in July or August. If you would like to be invited, contact

Program Coordinator

Kallie Handy, C-TAGME
Phone: 801-581-8419

Course Director