Electives in Plastic Surgery
The Division of Plastic Surgery offers two different elective options as well as a two-week opportunity within the Core Surgery rotation.
Dr. Isak Goodwin is the Course Director for all medical student rotations. Kallie Handy is the coordinator. Please contact her with any questions kallie.handy@hsc.utah.edu
Course SURG 7565 is a two-week rotation. It is an introduction to plastic surgery. The overall goal of the rotation is to expose medical students to a broad range of plastic surgery. The students’ clinical experience will help them understand the elements of hand surgery, craniofacial surgery, skin cancer, general reconstructive surgery, and aesthetic surgery. Clinically students will be exposed to pre-operative treatment, intraoperative care and postoperative results.
Course SURG 7570 is a four-week rotation. This course gives students the same great educational experience as the two-week course but also offers a more in-depth experience with the Plastic Surgery team. It is geared more to those students that have an interest in pursuing a surgical career.
Course SURG 7560 is a four week sub-I in Plastic Surgery. This is an immersive course in which students expand their fund of knowledge and clinical skills during a rigorous clinical experience in which patient care responsibilities, workload, and work hours closely parallel those of a resident intern in the specialty. Students interested in pursuing a career in plastic surgery are encouraged to complete this course.
For students interested in a visiting student rotation, please apply through VSAS. If you have any questions please reach out to Kallie Handy kallie.handy@hsc.utah.edu
For those interested in applying to the University of Utah Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency program, there will be a meet and greet informational session in July or August. More details to come. If you would like to keep up to date on this and other things going on in our program please follow us on Instagram @uofuplasticsurgery
Course Director
Isak A. Goodwin, MD
Program Coordinator
Kallie Handy, C-TAGME
Email: kallie.handy@hsc.utah.edu
Phone: 801-581-8419