Plastic Surgery Research
The Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Utah is currently involved in clinical trials, basic science, and clinical studies. There are many opportunities for both residents and medical students to participate in clinical projects. All members of the faculty are involved in a number of research projects at all times. Jayant Agarwal, MD, Barbu Gociman, MD, PhD, and Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH are members of the Division of Plastic Surgery research team.
Explore publications from our plastic surgery faculty.
- Creating a Space for Intersex Individuals in the Treatment of Differences of Sex Development. (Read full article)
- Efficacy of sintered Zinc-doped fluorapatite scaffold as an antimicrobial regenerative bone filler for dental applications. (Read full article)
- Preoperative opioid use and its association with postoperative complications
- A ropivacaine-eluting poly(lactide-co-caprolactone) wound dressing provided enhanced analgesia in partial-thickness porcine injuries. (Read full article)
- Outpatient Prescription Opioid Use following Discharge after DIEP Breast Reconstruction with and without an Educational Intervention. (Read full article)
- Association between blood markers and the progression of osseointegration in percutaneous prostheses patients-A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Sintered fluorapatite scaffolds as an autograft-like engineered bone graft. (Read full article)
- Associations with Discharge to Post-Acute Care Facilities Among Patients Undergoing Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures. (Read full article)
- Outcomes after tissue expander exchange to implant in two-stage prepectoral breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix: A retrospective cohort study. (Read full article)
- A Novel Vascular Anastomotic Coupling Device for End-to-End Anastomosis of Arteries and Veins. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes between Unilateral and Bilateral Palatoplasty: Analysis of 2015-2020 Pediatric NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- The Effect of Body Mass Index on Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Early Complications after Prepectoral Tissue Expander Placement in First-Stage Breast Reconstruction with and without Acellular Dermal Matrix. (Read full article)
- Scheduled Postoperative Ketorolac Does Not Decrease Opiate Use following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Serum procalcitonin level is independently associated with mechanical ventilation and case-fatality in hospitalized COVID-19-positive US veterans-A potential marker for disease severity. (Read full article)
- Assessment of glyceride-structured oleogels as an injectable extended-release delivery system of bupivacaine. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Immediate, Delayed Immediate, and Delayed Autologous Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of 2010-2020 NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- Local delivery of FK506 to a nerve allograft is comparable to systemic delivery at suppressing allogeneic graft rejection. (Read full article)
- Masseter-to-facial nerve transfer for facial nerve reanimation. (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis Evaluating the Safety of Using Acellular Dermal Matrix with Tissue Expander-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Comparison of Human, Porcine, and Bovine Acellular Dermal Matrix in Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: A Scoping Review. (Read full article)
- The BREASTrial Stage III: Acellular Dermal Matrix Breast Reconstruction Outcomes from Three Months to Two Years Postoperative. (Read full article)
- Analysis of Readmissions and Reoperations in Pediatric Microvascular Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The First FDA Approved Early Feasibility Study of a Novel Percutaneous Bone Anchored Prosthesis for Transfemoral Amputees: A Prospective One-year Follow-up Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Characterizing the volume of surgery and post-operative complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read full article)
- Associations of discharge destination and length of stay in lower extremity free flap reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Evaluating the influence of particle morphology and density on the viscosity and injectability of a novel long-acting local anesthetic suspension. (Read full article)
- A preliminary, observational study using whole-blood RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of inflammatory and bone markers post-implantation of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. (Read full article)
- Case of testicular nonseminomatous germ cell tumor cancer soft tissue seeding after inguinal orchiectomy. (Read full article)
- Free Vascularized Fibula Salvage of Failed CPH in Pediatric Sarcoma Patients. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, Mechanical Ventilation, and Case-Fatality Outcomes in US Veterans with COVID-19 Disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- Meshed Acellular Dermal Matrix for Two-Staged Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: An Institutional Experience. (Read full article)
- Characteristics of Nonelderly Adult Health Care Persistent Super Utilizers in Utah. (Read full article)
- Impact of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on Inflammatory Response, Neovascularization, and Capsule Formation of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of the BREASTrial Biopsy Specimens. (Read full article)
- Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flow-Through to Free Fibula Flap for Lumbar Spinal Reconstruction in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report. (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite apatite surfaces drive adipose-derived stem cells to an osteogenic lineage. (Read full article)
- An Analysis of the Modified Five-Item Frailty Index for Predicting Complications following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Radiation and Autologous Breast Reconstruction: The Role of Delayed-Immediate Reconstruction
- Use of Computer Tomography Imaging for Analyzing Bone Remodeling Around a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Implant. (Read full article)
- Hand and wrist injuries among collegiate athletes vary with athlete division. (Read full article)
- National Trends in Length of Stay for Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: An Evaluation of 10,465 Cases Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Patient-reported opioid use for tissue expander-based breast reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Compression of the vascular wall to create a friction fit in a vascular anastomotic coupler. (Read full article)
- Elective surgery resource utilization. (Read full article)
- Thermally tunable hydrogel crosslinking mediated by temperature sensitive liposome. (Read full article)
- Preoperative multimodal protocol reduced postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing mastectomy with reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index as a Predictor of 30-day Complications in Pressure Ulcer Repair. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- A population-based study of breast implant illness. (Read full article)
- Modified Rotationplasty as a Composite Free Flap for Femur and Thigh Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Thirty-Day Outcomes following Upper Extremity Flap Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Modeling diffusion-based drug release inside a nerve conduit in vitro and in vivo validation study. (Read full article)
- Hand and Wrist Injuries Among Collegiate Athletes: The Role of Sex and Competition on Injury Rates and Severity. (Read full article)
- Second primary breast cancer after unilateral mastectomy alone or with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. (Read full article)
- Entrapping bupivacaine-loaded emulsions in a crosslinked-hydrogel increases anesthetic effect and duration in a rat sciatic nerve block model. (Read full article)
- Thirty-Day Outcomes following Upper Extremity Flap Reconstruction
- A Nationwide Analysis of Early and Late Readmissions following Free Tissue Transfer for Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Common Plastic Surgery Operations Using the NSQIP and TOPS Databases. (Read full article)
- Free tibia and fibula-fillet-of-leg flap for pelvic ring reconstruction: A case report. (Read full article)
- Standard preoperative use of nonopioid multi-modal medications for patients undergoing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and the effect on postoperative opioid needs. (Read full article)
- 2011 ACGME Duty Hour Limits had No Association With Breast Reconstruction Complications. (Read full article)
- Free tibia and fibula-fillet-of-leg flap for pelvic ring reconstruction: A case report
- Epidermal growth factor receptor genes are overexpressed within the periprosthetic soft-tissue around percutaneous devices: A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Autologous Breast Reconstruction: An American Society of Plastic Surgeons Quality Performance Measure Set. (Read full article)
- Topical Pergolide Enhance Corneal Nerve Regrowth Following Induced Corneal Abrasion. (Read full article)
- Principles of Procedural Sedation and Local and Regional Anesthesia
- Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Autologous Breast Reconstruction An American Society of Plastic Surgeons Quality Performance Measure Set. (Read full article)
- Analysis of the Stomal Microbiota of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis: A Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Glitazone loaded fat enhances adiponectin production and inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation. (Read full article)
- Local FK506 delivery at the direct nerve repair site improves nerve regeneration. (Read full article)
- Variables associated with 30-day postoperative complications in lower extremity free flap reconstruction identified in the ACS-NSQIP database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Immediate Bilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Abdominally Based Flaps: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (Read full article)
- Is release of the posterior lamella enough? A cadaveric exploration of posterior component separation techniques. (Read full article)
- A Dedicated Quarterly Research Meeting Increases Resident Research Productivity. (Read full article)
- Breast Implant Recall
- Incidence of complications following two-stage expander/implant breast reconstruction: The impact of cancer diagnosis in prophylactic mastectomy. (Read full article)
- Characterization and evaluation of fluoridated apatites for the development of infection-free percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Variables associated with length of stay in patients undergoing mastectomy and delayed-immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expander. (Read full article)
- Biomimetic coatings and negative pressure wound therapy independently limit epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- "Do women with breast implants have a higher risk of cancer?"
- Corrigendum to "Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases" [J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 72 (2019) 43-51]. (Read full article)
- Desigining a Novel Drug Delivering Nerve Guide: A Preliminary Study.
- Response to letter commenting on predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A national surgical quality improvement program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- A national analysis of readmissions for wound healing complications following the repair of lower back, hip, and buttock pressure ulcers using the Nationwide Readmissions Database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Porcine Acellular Peritoneal Matrix in Immediate Breast Reconstruction: A Multicenter, Prospective, Single-Arm Trial. (Read full article)
- Immediate Unilateral Breast Reconstruction using Abdominally Based Flaps: Analysis of 3,310 Cases. (Read full article)
- Drug-delivering nerve conduit improves regeneration in a critical-sized gap. (Read full article)
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- Operative Time and Flap Failure in Unilateral and Bilateral Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The Impact of Once- versus Twice-Daily Enoxaparin Prophylaxis on Risk for Venous Thromboembolism and Clinically Relevant Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Controlled release of FK506 from micropatterned PLGA films: potential for application in peripheral nerve repair. (Read full article)
- Twice-Daily Enoxaparin among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Pharmacodynamics, 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism, and 90-Day Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Optimization of micropatterned poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) films for enhancing dorsal root ganglion cell orientation and extension. (Read full article)
- Smartphone Use for Patient Photography by Plastic Surgery Trainees. (Read full article)
- Surgical Excision of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in an Elderly Veteran's Affairs Population. (Read full article)
- Novel Custom Maxillary Disimpaction Splint. (Read full article)
- A Simple Surgical Solution for Functional Improvement of Deforming Vascular Malformations with Lip Involvement. (Read full article)
- Modified Antia-Buch Flap Incorporating an Extended Temporal Scalp Incision. (Read full article)
- Multimodal Management of Facial Keloid with Tissue Expansion, Excision, and Injection of 5-FU and Triamcinolone. (Read full article)
- Masseter-to-facial nerve transfer for facial nerve reanimation. (Read full article)
- A Custom Stabilizing Splint for the Management of BLCP with Protruding Premaxilla. (Read full article)
- Frontofacial Reconstruction Technique Modification with Preservation of Blood Supply to the Monobloc Segment. (Read full article)
- Mandibular Myofibroma and Severe Trismus: A Complex Case and Review of Complications. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Severe Cherubism Treated with Curettage, Osteotomy, and Bony Repositioning: A Case Series of Three Patients. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Management of Large Pediatric Wound Defects Using a Continuous External Tissue Expander. (Read full article)
- Preoperative imaging patterns and intracranial findings in single-suture craniosynostosis: a study from the Synostosis Research Group. (Read full article)
- Management of sagittal synostosis in the Synostosis Research Group: baseline data and early outcomes. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- The Effects of Sequential Galeotomies and Galea Aponeurectomies on Scalp Flap Advancement. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Sinus Pericranii in Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction. (Read full article)
- Evaluation of the Patient-Practitioner Consultation on Surgical Treatment Options for Patients With Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre- and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Is release of the posterior lamella enough? A cadaveric exploration of posterior component separation techniques. (Read full article)
- Use of BMP in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Variation in the management of isolated craniosynostosis: a survey of the Synostosis Research Group. (Read full article)
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Demineralized Bone Matrix and rhBMP-2 versus Autologous Iliac Crest Bone Grafting in Alveolar Cleft Patients. (Read full article)
- Modified Lefort Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Nager Syndrome-Associated Midface Hypoplasia: Technique and Review. (Read full article)
- Pyoderma Gangrenosum-like Wounds in Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency: Case Report and Review of Literature. (Read full article)
- Cherubism in a 4-year-old boy managed with tumor curettage, mandibular osteotomies and repositioning
- Successful reconstruction of bilateral oral commissure fusion secondary to Stevens Johnson syndrome
- The Benefit of a Formal Plastic Surgery In-Service Conference. (Read full article)
- Protection of the Temporomandibular Joint During Syndromic Mandibular Distraction With a Novel Condylar Offloading Device. (Read full article)
- Early Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Syndromic Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Neonatal Ear Molding: Timing and Technique. (Read full article)
- Distraction Osteogenesis Technique for the Treatment of Nonsyndromic Sagittal Synostosis. (Read full article)
- Pancraniosynostosis following endoscopic-assisted strip craniectomy for sagittal suture craniosynostosis in the setting of poor compliance with follow-up: a case report. (Read full article)
- Surgical Excision of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in an Elderly Veteran's Affairs Population. (Read full article)
- The metopic angle: a novel assessment tool of the trigonocephalic frontal deformity and its correction. (Read full article)
- Impact of Cardiac Risk Factors in the Postsurgical Outcomes of Patients With Cleft Lip. (Read full article)
- Ulnar Artery Aneurysm as a Late Sequela of Marfan Syndrome. (Read full article)
- Paint It Blue: Methylene Blue in Burn Care. (Read full article)
- Cervical Spine Injuries in Pediatric Maxillofacial Trauma: An Under-Recognized Problem. (Read full article)
- Impact of Cardiac Risk Factors in the Postsurgical Outcomes of Patients With Cleft Palate: Analysis of the 2012-2014 NSQIP Database. (Read full article)
- Use of REBOA to stabilize in-hospital iatrogenic intra-abdominal hemorrhage. (Read full article)
- Ventral Hernia Repair: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (Read full article)
- Ventral hernia: Patient selection, treatment, and management. (Read full article)
- Developing Useful Multivariable Models: In Reply to Xue and colleagues. (Read full article)
- Masculinizing gender-affirming surgery for trans men and non-binary individuals: what you should know. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Infrapubic Insertion of Penile Implants in Transmen After Phalloplasty. (Read full article)
- Developing a Breast Reconstruction Program in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Teaching Hospital: Needs Assessment and Implementation. (Read full article)
- High-Fidelity Microsurgical Simulation: The Thiel Cadaveric Nerve Model and Evaluation Instrument. (Read full article)
- A Novel Technique for Microsurgery on Calcified Arteries: Venous Interposition Grafting. (Read full article)
- Fertility concerns of the transgender patient. (Read full article)
- High Fidelity Microsurgical Simulation: The Thiel Model and Evaluation Instrument. (Read full article)
- Vaginoplasty & Vulvoplasty: Educational lecture made into veido for nusing staff on hospital care of male to female gender affirming surgery.
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- Phalloplasty: Educational lecture made into video for nursing staff on hospital care of transgender surgery patients undergoing female to male gender affirming surgery.
- Combining Breast Reduction Techniques to Treat Gigantomastia in Ghana. (Read full article)
- Novel drug delivering conduit for peripheral nerve regeneration. (Read full article)
- Fluoroquinolone-Associated Tendinopathy of the Hand and Wrist: A Systematic Review and Case Report. (Read full article)
- Thumb Reconstruction After Partial or Complete Amputation
- Postoperative Considerations after Phalloplasty for Transgender Men. A brief description of risks and postoperative management after phalloplasty
- Postoperative Considerations after Phalloplasty for Transgender Men. A brief description of risks and postoperative management after phalloplasty.
- National trends and complication rates after bilateral mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction from 2005 to 2012. (Read full article)
- Arterialized venous flow-through flaps in the reconstruction of digital defects: case series and review of the literature. (Read full article)
- Pancraniosynostosis following endoscopic-assisted strip craniectomy for sagittal suture craniosynostosis in the setting of poor compliance with follow-up: a case report. (Read full article)
- The metopic angle: a novel assessment tool of the trigonocephalic frontal deformity and its correction. (Read full article)
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Breast Reconstruction: A Nationwide Analysis Utilizing NSQIP
- Comprehensive Treatment and Reconstructive Algorithm for Functional Restoration after Ballistic Facial Injury. (Read full article)
- Breast Implant-associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Affecting a Neosubpectoral Pocket. (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite-Coated Percutaneous Devices Promote Wound Healing and Limit Epithelial Downgrowth at the Skin-Device Interface
- Exploration of fluorapatite bio-ceramic thin film deposition by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (Read full article)
- A Dentist's Perspective on the Need for Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Reduce Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and case-fatality outcomes in US veterans with COVID-19 disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- A preliminary, observational study using whole-blood RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of inflammatory and bone markers post-implantation of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite apatite surfaces drive adipose-derived stem cells to an osteogenic lineage. (Read full article)
- Characterization of porous fluorohydroxyapatite bone-scaffolds fabricated using freeze casting. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Evaluation of soft-tissue response around laser microgrooved titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Epidermal growth factor receptor genes are overexpressed within the periprosthetic soft-tissue around percutaneous devices: A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Analysis of the Stomal Microbiota of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis: A Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Variation in bone response to the placement of percutaneous osseointegrated endoprostheses: A 24-month follow-up in sheep. (Read full article)
- Influence of negative pressure wound therapy on peri-prosthetic tissue vascularization and inflammation around porous titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Characterization and evaluation of fluoridated apatites for the development of infection-free percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Biomimetic coatings and negative pressure wound therapy independently limit epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Peri-prosthetic tissue reaction to discontinuation of negative pressure wound therapy around porous titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Keratin nanomaterial coating limits epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices (Read full article)
- Development of small animal infection model for evaluating barrier properties of the epidermal seal against infection around the percutaneous implant systems – a pilot study (Read full article)
- A 24-month Evaluation of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Limb-Skin Interface in an Ovine Amputation Model
- Osseointegration research (Read full article)
- Osseointegration
- Fifteen Years of Experience With Integral-Leg-Prosthesis: Cohort Study of Artificial Limb Attachment System
- Progression of bone ingrowth and attachment strength for stability of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. (Read full article)
- Radiographic evaluation of bone adaptation adjacent to percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses in a sheep model. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Improvements in Cleft Lip Aesthetics with the Fisher Repair Compared to the Mohler Repair. (Read full article)
- The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System for Mandibular Fractures: A Multicenter Validation Study.
- Congenital Amniotic Constriction Band of the Pelvis: First Reported Case and Proposed Classification Criterion. (Read full article)
- Virtual Surgical Planning Decreases Operative Time for Isolated Single Suture and Multi-suture Craniosynostosis Repair. (Read full article)
- Anatomical Nasal Lining Flaps for Closure of the Nasal Floor in Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip Repairs Reduce Fistulas at the Alveolus. (Read full article)
- Osseointegrated Prosthetic Ear Reconstruction in Cases of Skin Malignancy: Technique, Outcomes, and Patient Satisfaction. (Read full article)
- Implementation of Telehealth in a Pediatric Plastic Surgery Clinic: A Single Center's Response to COVID-19. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome-Review of This Rare Disease. (Read full article)
- Scheduled Postoperative Ketorolac Does Not Decrease Opiate Use following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Immediate, Delayed Immediate, and Delayed Autologous Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of 2010-2020 NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Racial Disparities in Online Marketing of Academic Plastic Surgery Practices. (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis Evaluating the Safety of Using Acellular Dermal Matrix with Tissue Expander-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Characterizing the volume of surgery and post-operative complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read full article)
- Comparison of Human, Porcine, and Bovine Acellular Dermal Matrix in Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: A Scoping Review. (Read full article)
- Current Practices in the Pathologic Assessment of Breast Tissue in Transmasculine Chest Surgery. (Read full article)
- Analysis of Readmissions and Reoperations in Pediatric Microvascular Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Characteristics of Nonelderly Adult Health Care Persistent Super Utilizers in Utah. (Read full article)
- A Case for the Use of the 5-Item Modified Frailty Index in Preoperative Risk Assessment for Tissue Expander Placement in Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Use of post-discharge opioid consumption patterns as a tool for evaluating opioid prescribing guidelines. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and case-fatality outcomes in US veterans with COVID-19 disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Free Vascularized Fibula Salvage of Failed CPH in Pediatric Sarcoma Patients. (Read full article)
- Meshed Acellular Dermal Matrix for Two-Staged Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: An Institutional Experience. (Read full article)
- Elective surgery resource utilization. (Read full article)
- National Trends in Length of Stay for Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: An Evaluation of 10,465 Cases Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- An Analysis of the Modified Five-Item Frailty Index for Predicting Complications following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Patient-reported opioid use for tissue expander-based breast reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Radiation and autologous breast reconstruction: The role of delayed-immediate reconstruction (Chapter 97)
- The 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index as a Predictor of 30-day Complications in Pressure Ulcer Repair. (Read full article)
- A population-based study of breast implant illness. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Reply: Are 30-Day Outcomes Enough? Late Infectious Readmissions following Prosthetic-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Common Plastic Surgery Operations Using the NSQIP and TOPS Databases. (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis of Early and Late Readmissions following Free Tissue Transfer for Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- 2011 ACGME Duty Hour Limits had No Association With Breast Reconstruction Complications. (Read full article)
- Breast cancer: current trends in screening, patient evaluation, and treatment (Chapter 58)
- Home Disposal Kits for Leftover Opioid Medications After Surgery: Do They Work? (Read full article)
- Immediate Bilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Abdominally Based Flaps: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Are 30-Day Outcomes Enough? Late Infectious Readmissions following Prosthetic-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Variables associated with length of stay in patients undergoing mastectomy and delayed-immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expander. (Read full article)
- Response to letter commenting on predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A national surgical quality improvement program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Corrigendum to "Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases" [J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 72 (2019) 43-51]. (Read full article)
- A national analysis of readmissions for wound healing complications following the repair of lower back, hip, and buttock pressure ulcers using the Nationwide Readmissions Database. (Read full article)
- Immediate Unilateral Breast Reconstruction using Abdominally Based Flaps: Analysis of 3,310 Cases. (Read full article)
- Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- An analysis of free flap failure using the ACS NSQIP database. Does flap site and flap type matter?
- Operative Time and Flap Failure in Unilateral and Bilateral Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set. (Read full article)
- An analysis of free flap failure using the ACS NSQIP database. Does flap site and flap type matter? (Read full article)
- Unplanned reoperations after microvascular free tissue transfer: An analysis of 2,244 patients using the american college of surgeons national surgical quality improvement program database. (Read full article)
- Pedicled Retrograde Fibula Flap for Ankle Reconstruction after Oncologic Resection of the Distal Fibula. (Read full article)
- The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Flap Failure Data Are Inaccurate after 2010. (Read full article)
- Neonatal Ear Molding: Timing and Technique. (Read full article)
- National trends and complication rates after bilateral mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction from 2005 to 2012. (Read full article)
- Sustainability and long-term effectiveness of the WHO surgical safety checklist combined with pulse oximetry in a resource-limited setting: two-year update from Moldova. (Read full article)
- Development of a list of high-risk operations for patients 65 years and older. (Read full article)
- Invasive procedures in the elderly after stage IV cancer diagnosis. (Read full article)
- Enophthalmos (Read full article)
- Osteofibrous Dysplasia (Read full article)
- Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (Read full article)
- Cherry Hemangioma (Read full article)
- Carotid Cavernous Fistula (Read full article)
- Meige Syndrome (Read full article)
- Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (Read full article)
- Congenital Melanocytic Nevi (Read full article)
- Labiaplasty Minora Reduction (Read full article)
- Dacryostenosis (Read full article)
- Nasal Fracture Reduction (Read full article)
- Platysmaplasty Facelift (Read full article)
- Enucleation (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Superior Tarsal Muscle (Mullers Muscle) (Read full article)
- Mid Forehead Brow Lift (Read full article)
- Cauliflower Ear (Read full article)
- Le Fort Fractures (Read full article)
- Blepharoplasty Ptosis Surgery (Read full article)
- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Eyelid Can Locally Recur and Mimic Basal Cell Carcinoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Pilar Cyst (Read full article)
- Intraocular Pressure (Read full article)
- Uveitic Macular Edema (Read full article)
- Breast Implants (Read full article)
- Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty (Read full article)
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (Read full article)
- Conjunctival Concretions (Read full article)
- Diseases of the Eyelashes (Read full article)
- Eyelid Myokymia (Read full article)
- Rhinophyma (Read full article)
- Ptosis Correction (Read full article)
- Purtscher Retinopathy (Read full article)
- Nontoxic Goiter (Read full article)
- Posterior Polymorphous Corneal Dystrophy (Read full article)
- Acquired Angioedema (Read full article)
- Retinopathy (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Mandible (Read full article)
- Crouzon Syndrome (Read full article)
- Blepharoconjunctivitis (Read full article)
- Benign Essential Blepharospasm (Read full article)
- Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma (Read full article)
- Epiphora (Read full article)
- Neurotrophic Keratitis (Read full article)
- Lagophthalmos (Read full article)
- Stye (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Platysma (Read full article)
- Diabetic Macular Edema (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Superior Oblique Muscle (Read full article)
- Uveitis (Read full article)
- Central Toxic Keratopathy (Read full article)
- Keratoconjunctivitis (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Retina (Read full article)
- Retinoblastoma (Read full article)
- Hollenhorst Plaque (Read full article)
- Apert Syndrome (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscles (Read full article)
- Dacryocystorhinostomy (Read full article)
- Stretch Marks (Read full article)
- Ophthalmic Manifestations Of Coronavirus (Read full article)
- Herpes Zoster (Read full article)
- Canaliculitis (Read full article)
- Cherry Red Spot (Read full article)
- Sjogren Syndrome (Read full article)
- Parinaud Syndrome (Read full article)
- Herpes Simplex Keratitis (Read full article)
- Punctal Stenosis (Read full article)
- Blepharochalasis Syndrome (Read full article)
- Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy (Read full article)
- Diplopia Following the Insertion of a Canalicular Bypass Tube: Etiology, Risk Factors, Management, and Outcomes. (Read full article)
- Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty (Read full article)
- Temporal Artery Biopsy (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Frontalis Muscle (Read full article)
- Crigler Technique For Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (Read full article)
- Full Thickness Skin Grafts (Read full article)
- Radial Keratotomy Correction (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Orbit (Read full article)
- Facial Nerve Anatomy and Clinical Applications (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Inferior Oblique Muscles (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eyelash (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Orbicularis Oculi Muscle (Read full article)
- Anatomy, Skin, Sudoriferous Gland (Read full article)
- Papilloma (Read full article)
- Chemical Burns (Read full article)
- Buphthalmos (Read full article)
- Nevus Of Ota And Ito (Read full article)
- Dry Eye Syndrome (Read full article)
- Exophthalmos (Read full article)
- Nonspecific Orbital Inflammation (Read full article)
- Optic Nerve Cysts (Read full article)
- Optic Nerve Coloboma (Read full article)
- Optic Nerve Decompression (Read full article)
- Photorefractive Keratectomy (Read full article)
- Cataract Surgery (Read full article)
- Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (Read full article)
- Cilia Incarnata (Read full article)
- Dacryoadenitis (Read full article)
- Herpes Simplex Ophthalmicus (Read full article)
- C Reactive Protein (Read full article)
- Trachoma (Read full article)
- Capillary Infantile Hemangiomas (Read full article)
- Ocular Melanoma (Read full article)
- Superior Ophthalmic Vein Cannulation for Carotid Cavernous Fistula (Read full article)
- Deep Plane Facelift (Read full article)
- Optic Nerve Glioma (Read full article)
- Palytoxin Keratitis (Read full article)
- Laser Fitzpatrick Skin Type Recommendations (Read full article)
- Epiphora Clinical Testing (Read full article)
- Keratoendotheliitis Fugax Hereditaria (Read full article)
- An unusual case of idiopathic calcinosis of the eyelid. (Read full article)
- Management of IgG4-related orbital disease: when not in doubt, cut it out? (Read full article)
- Epidemiology of Eyelid Malignancies in Indian Asians: The Importance of Being Earnest. (Read full article)
- The kissing puncta: an under-reported and stubborn cause of epiphora. (Read full article)
- Healing comparison of porcine cutaneous incisions made with cold steel scalpel, standard electrosurgical blade, and a novel tissue dissector. (Read full article)
- Surgical Management of Pachyonychia Congenita in a 3-Year-Old. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Investigating the effects of flexor tendon shortening on active range of motion after finger tendon repair. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Developing a Breast Reconstruction Program in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Teaching Hospital: Needs Assessment and Implementation. (Read full article)
- Creating an Outpatient, Local Anesthetic Hand Operating Room in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Hospital Builds Surgical Capacity and Financial Stability. (Read full article)
- Direct Comparison of Patient-completed and Physician-completed Caprini Scores for Plastic Surgery Patients. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- Salvage of Threatened Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices: Case Series and Review of Literature. (Read full article)
- The Impact of Once- versus Twice-Daily Enoxaparin Prophylaxis on Risk for Venous Thromboembolism and Clinically Relevant Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Twice-Daily Enoxaparin among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Pharmacodynamics, 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism, and 90-Day Bleeding. (Read full article)
- The Benefit of a Formal Plastic Surgery In-Service Conference. (Read full article)
- Inadequate Enoxaparin Dosing Predicts 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism Risk among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Enoxaparin Pharmacodynamics. (Read full article)
- Surgical Excision of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in an Elderly Veteran's Affairs Population. (Read full article)
- Following a Surgical Paradigm Shift Through the Adoption of Nerve Transfers Among Board-Eligible and Practicing Plastic Surgeons. (Read full article)
- Spare Part Reconstruction of Distal Pediatric Thumb Amputation
- Ischemic Volkmann Contracture From Intrauterine Compartment Syndrome
- Tendon Injuries
- Non-surgical Management of Complex Refractory Pyoderma Gangrenosum With Negative Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation. (Read full article)
- Fingertip and Nail Bed Injuries
- Clinical and Financial Implications of Positive Margins After Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Resection: A Longitudinal Evaluation. (Read full article)
- Isolated Scaphoid Dislocation From Low-Energy Wrist Trauma
- Pyoderma Gangrenosum after Fat Grafting in Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction: An Unusual Outcome. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture in a Young Adult Male: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Improvement of Functional Outcome Via Supercharged End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous to Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer: A Case Series
- Two-Tongued Cross-Finger Filet Flap Distal Digit Reconstructions Using Spare Parts After Multiple Distal Digital Amputations. (Read full article)
- Extrapleural Superficial Solitary Fibrous Tumor on the Posterior Shoulder: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Outcomes after tissue expander exchange to implant in two-stage prepectoral breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix: A retrospective cohort study. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Early Complications after Prepectoral Tissue Expander Placement in First-Stage Breast Reconstruction with and without Acellular Dermal Matrix. (Read full article)
- AUTHOR REPLY. (Read full article)
- First Report of Testicular Replantation Following Wrong-Site Surgery. (Read full article)
- Skeletal and Dental Outcomes after Facial Allotransplantation: The Cleveland Clinic Experience and Systematic Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Square-root Palatoplasty: Comparing a Novel Modified-Furlow Double-opposing Z-palatoplasty Technique to Traditional Straight-line Repair. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Advanced Technical Pearls for Successful Supermicrosurgical Lymphaticovenular Anastomosis. (Read full article)
- The Effects of Sequential Galeotomies and Galea Aponeurectomies on Scalp Flap Advancement. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Systemic blue hue after isosulfan use for lymphatic mapping in a case of metastatic melanoma excision. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- The tongue flap for large palatal fistulas, a success or a failure? Our 15-year experience. (Read full article)
- Clinical Anatomy of Submental Intubation: A Review of the Indications, Technique, and a Modified Approach. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Anatomical Location of the Infraorbital Foramen in Infant Dry Skulls: Implications for Cleft Surgery. (Read full article)
- Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre- and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Postoperative Ketorolac Administration Is Not Associated with Hemorrhage in Cranial Vault Remodeling for Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Ischemic Preconditioning and Iloprost Reduces Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Jejunal Flaps: An Animal Model. (Read full article)
- A Comparative Clinical Study of Flap Thickness: Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap Versus Anterolateral Thigh Flap. (Read full article)
- An anatomical variation of the MSAP flap: Single direct cutaneous perforator in the posterior calf region. (Read full article)
- Ameloblastoma in a Patient With Williams Syndrome and Use of Fibular Flap. (Read full article)
- Assessment of Tissue Perfusion Following Conventional Liposuction of Perforator-Based Abdominal Flaps. (Read full article)
- Oral Reconstruction Using Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap in a Patient With Fanconi Anemia. (Read full article)
- Nasopharyngeal Placement of a Nelaton Suction Catheter in Respiratory Monitoring of Sedated Patients. (Read full article)
- Postauricular conchal chondrocutaneous sandwich flap for partial ear reconstruction. (Read full article)
- An Unusual Deformity of the Nose: Medial Crural Fracture. (Read full article)
- Acute Liver Failure and Hepatic Encephalopathy After Cleft Palate Repair. (Read full article)
- Intramasseteric Arteriovenous Malformation. (Read full article)
- Risk assessment for free tissue transfers: is old age a determining factor? (Read full article)
- Bile duct ischemia developing after reconstruction of the hepatic artery during the Whipple operation. (Read full article)
- Early Results on the Efficacy of Demineralized Bone Matrix, Bone Morphogenic Protein, and Freeze-dried Bone Chips in Alveolar Cleft Repair. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Oronasal Fistula Risk After Palate Repair. (Read full article)
- Management of midnasal stenosis with infant surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (iSARPE). (Read full article)
The Division of Plastic Surgery grant is awarded every six months to one or two projects internal to the Division that involves at least one faculty member and one resident from the Division.
February 2024
- "Use of a Decision Aid Learning Tool for Patients Undergoing Breast Cancer Surgery: A Cohort Study” Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators: Amber Carr M.Ed; Joanna Chen BA; Catherine Bautista, BS; Alvin Kwok, MD; Jay Agarwal, MD
August 2023
- "Family Planning and Pregnancy During Plastic Surgery Residency” Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators: Alvin C. Kwok, MD, MPH; Jay P. Agarwal, MD; Joanna Chen, BS; Catherine H Bautista, BS; Whitney D. Moss, MD
- “State Variation in Medicare Reimbursement Changes for the Top Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Procedures 2013-2022” Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators: Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH; Matthew Holdaway, BS; Mackenzie French, MD
- “Radiation-Induced Tissue Fibrosis: Identifying RNA Expression Variants for the Development of Evidence-Based Therapeutic Targets” Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators: Henning De May, MD/PhD; Jay Agarwal, MD, Sujee Jeyapalina, PhD, Andrew Miller, MS, Jill Shea, PhD, David Rou
February 2023
- "The Role of Feedback in Microsurgery” Fatma Tuncer, MD; Jack D. Sudduth, MD, MS; Jessica L. Marquez, BA; Ashraf Patel, MD
- “ADM versus no ADM: Patient Reported Second Stage Outcomes” Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH; Jessica L. Marquez, BA; Jack D. Sudduth, MD, MS
August 2022
- "Radiation-Induced Tissue Fibrosis: Identifying RNA Expression Variants for the Development of Evidence-Based Therapeutic Targets” Henning De May, MD, PhD, Jay Agarwal, MD, Sujee Jeyapalina, PhD, Andrew Miller, MS
- “Capturing Longitudinal Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction Using National Inpatient Services and National Ambulatory Surgery Services Database” Greg Hobson, DO, Jack D. Sudduth, MD, Jessica L. Marquez, BA, Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH, Jay Agarwal, MD
February 2022
- “Variation in Opioid Prescription Habits and Predictors of Opioid Misuse and Chronic Use After Surgery” Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH, Whitney Moss, MD, Giovanna Pires, Jaewhan Kim
August 2021
- “Biodegradable Cages For Promoting Bone Restoration In Craniofacial Defects” Lucia Collar Yagas MD, Sujee Jeyapalina PhD, Barbu Gociman MD, PhD
- “Lower Extremity Reconstruction Outcomes” Irfan Rhemtulla, MD, MS, Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH, Whitney Moss, MD, Giovanna Pires
- “Disparities in Breast Reconstruction Among Underserved Women in Utah” Kaylee Scott, MD, Laurel Ormiston, MD, Fatma Tuncer, MD, Whitney Moss, MD, Giovanna Pires
February 2021
- “Biodegradable Cages For Promoting Bone Restoration In Craniofacial Defects” Lucia Collar Yagas MD, Sujee Jeyapalina PhD, Barbu Gociman MD
- “A national analysis of early and late readmissions following major surgeries: is 30 days enough?” Jessica Luo MD, Thomas Wright MD, Meg Rosales MD, Jayant Agarwal MD, Alvin Kwok MD, MPH
August 2020
- “Targeted Muscle Reinnervation of the Foot for Morton’s Neuroma – An Anatomic Study” Evelyn Reed, MD; Jessica Lou, BS; Shaun Mendenhall MD, Mark Mahan MD, Robert Kim MD, Chad Taylor BS.
- “Thermographic Imaging Of Breast T-Junction Approximation as a Predictor of Complications” Paul Tenzel, MD; Courtney Crombie, MD; Alvin Kwok, MD
February 2020
- “Mammoglobin – An Antibody Target for Labeling Breast Tissue” James Willcockson, MD; Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH; Shawn Owen, PhD
- “Extended-Release Local Anesthetic Wound Dressing” Jacob Veith, MD; Brett Davis; Caleb Lade; Jay Agarwal, MD
August 2019
- “Development of a novel cost-effective ear molding product” Dino Maglic, MD; Barbu Gociman, MD,PhD; Duane Yamashiro, DDS; Faizi Siddiqi, MD
- “Nerve density and ultrastructural end organs of the glans penis” Jacob Veith, MD; Erinn Kim, MD; Isak Goodwin, MD; Jill Shea, PhD
February 2019
- “Survey of Current Practices in Pathologic Assessment of Breast Tissue in Female-to-male Transgender Top Surgery” Jacob Veith, MD; Jared Garlick, MD; James Willcockson, MD; Isak Goodwin, MD; Cori Agarwal, MD; Cindy Matsen, MD; Alvin Kwok, MD
- “Tissue-Engineering of Blood Vessels” Kate Holoyda, MD; Thomas Wright, MD; James Willcockson, MD; Alvin Kwok, MD
August 2018
- “Investigation of the Effect of Caffeine on Free Flaps in a Rat Model” Alvin Kwok, MD; James Willcockson, MD; Kate Holoyda, MD; Tom Wright, MD
- “Prescription Opiate Use Following Breast Reconstruction” Melody Scheefer, MD; Willem Collier, BS, PhD candidate; Ray Hosein, MD; Joanna Manum, PA-C; Jay Agarwal, MD
February 2018
- “The Effects of Activity on Drain Output and Seroma Formation in Plastic Surgery Procedures” Sagar Mehta, MD; Cori Agarwal, MD; Courtney Crombie, MD
- “The Use of Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle Flaps and Bilateral Composite Latissimus Dorsi and Gluteus Maximus Flaps for Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects in Infants” Kate Holoyda, MD; Barbu Gociman, MD; Faizi Siddiqi, MD; John Kestle, MD; Dino Maglic, MD
August 2017
- “Interventions to Reduce the Gender Related Confidence Gap in Plastic Surgery Training” Melody Scheefer, MD; Cori Agarwal, MD; Amalia Cochran, MD; Courtney Crombie, MD; Kate Holoyda, MD
- “Labeling Tissue with Breast-Specific Antibodies to Improve Surgical Technique” James Willcockson, MD; Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH; Shawn Owen, PhD
February 2017
- “Cosmetic Patient Preferences” Jared Garlick, MD; Courtney Crombie, MD
- “Gene Expression in Radiation” Daniel Donato, MD
August 2016
- “Lower Back Forces following Abdominoplasty” W. Bradford Rockwell, MD
- “Fixed Dose Heparin” Christopher Pannucci, MD, MS
February 2016
- “ACS vs TAR” Neal Moores, MD
August 2015
- “Genetics of Synostosis” Barbu Gociman, MD, PhD; Faizi Siddiqi, MD
- “Transgender Surgery” Cori Agarwal, MD
Explore research projects by faculty.
- Review article for Adolescent Transgender Surgery (with Dana Johns)
- Transgender (chest and face) chapter in Neligan book (with Dana Johns)
- Chest Masculinization Chapter, Atlas of Operative Techniques in GAS. Elsevier,
- Evaluation of QOL, mental health, gender dysphoria before and after medical and surgical interventions.
- Multi-Institutional Transregistry for gender affirming Vaginoplasty- Utah, OHSU, NYU
- Multi-Institutional study evaluating the value of standardized Peer Support in outcomes in gender affirming bottom surgery (STRIVE)
- Sperm Preservation Education, Protocols, and Best Practices for TransWomen undergoing hormonal or surgical transition, specific to FDA regulations
- Mood Disorders in Plastic Surgery Patients (with Cindy Matsen)
- Peripheral nerve regeneration in lab with rats
- DOD study with Wound VAC and percutaneous devices
- Bone scaffold- VA funded- need residents for surgeries
- Gilead grant- database for veterans with COVID and outcomes
- IRB bias on interview dates and correlation to rank list submission
- Fat grafting to the hand – hand Q before and after, one surgeon’s experience
- Disposable devise for measuring breast volume on surgical table and clinic, design, patent discussions
- Various opportunities update ICD-10 and CPT codes, plastic surgery specific smart phrases, notes and orders at VA
- Plastic Surgery advocacy paper
- Body Contouring after massive weight loss
- Google Trends Surrounding Plastic Surgery
- Rabbit/ pig bone study using CT/3-D printing
- Basic science project- craniofacial non syndrome early mutation days after conception
- Use of Dermaclose in large pediatric wounds
- Modifications to the Whistle flap procedure for correction of secondary cleft lip deformities Milestones/timeline- abstract written and submitted to Mountain West
- A simple surgical solution for functional improvement of giant facial vascular malformation with lip involvement
- Frontofacial reconstruction technique modification with preservation of blood supply to the monobloc segment
- 2-Stage Premaxillary Setback and Primary Cheiloplasty Using a Custom Stabilizing Oral Splint Allows Safe and Extensive Primary Rhinoplasty
- Multimodal Management of Facial Keloid with Tissue Expansion, Excision, and Injection of 5-FU and Triamcinolone
- A simple surgical solution for functional improvement of giant facial vascular malformation with lip involvement
- Concomitant alveolar and hard palate cleft bone grafting technique
- Post Nasal Stents in cleft lip repair revisited
- Molding device for ear molding
- Outcomes of nailbed repair
- Anatomical nerve study on glans penis for MTF bottom surgery
- The effect of fascial plication on intraabdominal pressure and lower extremity venous flow during abdominoplasty (bladder pressures?)
- Evaluation of Donor Site Morbidity in Radial Forearm Phalloplasty: Volume, POSAS, Q-DASH
- Transfeminine Gender Affirming Genital Surgery Revision Techniques
- Vaginal Preservation in Shaft-Only Phalloplasty: Y-to-V Advancement Technique for Clitoral Hood Redundancy and Reduction Labiaplasty
- Review of COVID impact on breast reconstruction utilizing NSQIP data
- Case series of Fleur de Lis - DIEP autologous breast reconstruction
- Database review for revision rates for breast reconstruction, autologous vs implant based
- Lower Extremity database creation for outcome evaluation
- Review of tissue expander infections and their timing for pre pectoral no ADM reconstructions
- Standardization of antibacterial techniques for TE placement and following prospective Infectious outcomes
- Effect of preoperative education for Lefort I ostetomy with halo distraction on post operative pain control and patient/parent satisfaction (with Siddiqi/Gociman/Yamashiro)
- Prevalence of spontaneous bone formation after hard palate cleft repair
- Review article for Adolescent Transgender Surgery (with Cori Agarwal)
- Post Operative Nasal Stents after primary cleft lip rhinoplasty
- Another chapter with Dr. Cori Agarwa
- Randomized Feasibility Trial for Mesh in Pre-Pectoral Reconstruction
- Patient Focused Patient Education Video for Prescription Opioid Drug Use after Surgery (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Factors associated with free flap thrombosis following breast reconstruction
- Associations between SIEV and DIEV size and flap superficial dominance (with Dr. Hobson)
- CMS Medicare- Plastic Surgery Reimbursements over time
- Multi-institutional Breast Reconstruction Database (with Dr. Agarwal)
- All Payers Claims Database – Opioid related use (with Dr. Agarwal)
- MarketScan Database – Evaluating the number of revision surgeries after tissue based and implant based breast reconstruction (with Dr. Agarwal)
- HCUP Database – Evaluating the number of revision surgeries after tissue based and implant based breast reconstruction (with Dr. Agarwal)
- NCCPA (National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants) Dabatase – Characteristics of physician assistants in Plastic Surgery (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Utah All Payer Claims Database (APCD) longitudinal study, high-cost utilizers over time (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Outcomes of Lower Extremity Reconstruction using Free Flaps using HCUP data
- Effect of abdominoplasty on gait and posture with Dr. Crombie
- Pachyonichia
- Arteriogram and anatomical comparison of hand blood flow in scleroderma patients.
- On line plastic surgery resident teaching curriculum for West Africa
- PhD level project for hand model, hopefully several papers with this-presented at engineering meeting in November – one article accepted
- Comparing Plastic Surgery training in US and Ghana- Moss working on it
- Pilot study for prophylactic LVB in melanoma patients (Hyngstrom)
- Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction for the Prevention of Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Preliminary Experience of a Single Center
- The Role of Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix (BTM) in Staged Reconstruction of Melanoma and Other Skin Cancer Defects (Asare)
- Qualitative analysis of American Indian perceptions of breast reconstruction
- Comparison of vasodilator effect of lidocaine and papaverine on human arteries. (Vascular research lab)
- The effect of immediate and video feedback on microsurgical skills acquisition
- Rescue - A Novel Pin-Retained NAM Expander
- Stage Premaxillary Setback and Primary Cheiloplasty Using a Custom Stabilizing Oral Splint Allows Safe and Extensive Primary Rhinoplasty
Coming soon
Coming soon