Hanson Research Group
The Hanson Research Group studies the genetic and environmental influences on health throughout the life course, focused on the discovery sphere of translational research. My lab develops methods for population-based risk prediction (genetic and environmental) and relies on integration of many data sources, including genealogy, health information, and exposures, contained in the Utah Population Database and other large population health databases. Our specific areas of research include understanding how environmental influences in utero and early childhood affect later life risk for cancer, the relationship between fertility and later life health, and the interaction with social and physical environments, and familial, community, and socioeconomic factors affecting health outcomes.
Project Highlights
We recently introduced a novel network-inspired clustering technique to explore multi-cancer signatures for high-risk cancer families in the UPDB. This multi-source database is an incredible gem, unique to Utah. We have successfully applied this clustering method to bladder and breast cancer, identifying novel risk patterns that could impact population-based cancer prevention.