Urology Research Fellowship
The Division of Urology began a one-year research fellowship in reconstructive urology and men’s health in 2013. This fellowship has expanded to include pediatrics research and is now entitled ‘Men’s Health, Pediatrics & Reconstructive Urology Research Fellowship’.The fellowship allows medical students and new physicians that are interested in surgery and urology a year-long opportunity to work on innovative research projects within our division. The emphasis of the research fellowship is 50% in pediatric urology and 50% in men’s health & reconstructive urology. The majority of the projects are clinical or health services research in conjunction with the Surgical Population Analysis Research Core (SPARC).
Fellows' Responsibilities
The fellow’s responsibilities include submission of IRB applications, monitoring of clinical studies in progress, manuscript preparation and submission, and presentation of the data at regional and national meetings. Fellows will attend the Western Section of the AUA conference, as well as the national AUA yearly depending upon the status of their current research, and other meetings relevant to the fellow’s goals and research productivity. Fellows are also encouraged to participate in the Division of Urology’s educational activities. There are many opportunities for the fellow to interact and get to know our division.
We feel that this fellowship is a great opportunity for individuals that are interested in extending their medical school in order to explore interests in clinical research or in others that may be seeking to increase their ability to match into urology through participating in a robust research program. If you are interested in this opportunity and you would like more information please contact our Fellowship Coordinator.
Our fellowship is funded with salary and health benefits for the fellow depending upon experience. The duration is usually one year and many applicants will be interested in the urology match for the year they are in fellowship. For this reason, we encourage fellows to start early as possible in the year they are going to try to match into urology. April and May are good months to think about starting the fellowship. Starting this early allows research fellows to get an adequate amount of work complete prior to interviewing for urology residency spots. We are flexible in allowing fellows to interview in the fall and winter for urology and other residency spots.
Two-Year Extension
For individuals that are interested there is possibility of extending into a two-year fellowship. Fellows may be interested in specific aspects of urologic research that could be emphasized in a second year or obtaining a master's of science in clinical investigation (MSCI). Funding for a second year may depend upon the success of grant applications, research productivity, and extramural funding.