For important contributions he has made in research and scholarship in his field, Jared Rutter was awarded the U of U Distinguished Research Award for 2025.
Minna Roh-Johnson was selected to receive the Academy of Health Science Educators 2025 Outstanding Educator Award of Health Sciences Graduate Students for creating a culture of exceptional education in the...
The Sundquist, Hill, and Pornillos labs laid the foundation for the development of a highly effective, long-lasting prophylactic against HIV, which has been named the Breakthrough of the Year by...
Biochemistry professor, Michael Kay, an expert on mirror-image pharmaceuticals, discusses Mirror Life with other prominent scientists in a Science article reviewed by Sophia Friesen.
Minna Roh-Johnson's lab was awarded the National Cancer Institute's "Administrative Supplement to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship," designed for “scientists who have demonstrated compelling commitments...
Check out the Sunday Times cover story that features the groundbreaking work of Helena Safavi-Hemami’s lab (as well as others) on therapeutic advances enabled by studies of animal venoms.
Kade Loveridge, MD/PhD student in Paul Sigala's lab, just published a first author PNAS paper defining a critical iron acquisition mechanism in malaria parasites.
Biochemistry faculty, Justin English, wins University of Utah 2024 Innovation Award for making remarkable strides in understanding and controlling how cells transmit information. A pioneer in his field, English invented...
Please find our Fall 2024 “Benchmarks” Newsletter for the Department of Biochemistry downloadable below. Visit our newsletters page for more or to manage your subscription preferences.
Columbia University will award the 2024 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize to Scott Emr and Wesley Sundquist for discovering the ESCRT (Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport) pathway and revealing how...
20 Outstanding postdoctoral scholars will visit the University on Sept. 26-27 to share their exciting science during the 2-day Postdoctoral Rising Stars Symposium.
Among the recipients of NIH research funding was the university’s CHEETAH Center for Structural Biology of HIV Infection Restriction and Viral Dynamics.
Biochemistry Associate Professor Helena Safavi and her amazing team describe their recent work with venomous cone snails and their potential to improve diabetes medication.
Biochemistry Faculty, Minna Roh-Jonhson has been awarded the WICB Junior Award for Excellence in Research for her exceptional scientific contributions to cell biology. Congratulations Minna!
Biochem faculty, Keren Hilgendorf presents at the Vitae 2024 on her research into how communication between cells shifts the balance between number and size of fat cells, with important consequences.
Biochemistry Faculty, Tyler Starr has been named a 2024 Searle Scholar for his research into the evolution and inhibition of zoonotic bat coronaviruses. Congratulations Tyler!
We are very sorry to note the passing of Professor Emeritus LeRoy R. Kuehl. LeRoy was a very popular teacher of first-year medical students in the years when the department...
Our department will be hosting our third Graduate Student Rising Stars Symposium, in partnership with the Neurobiology Department and the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Center.
Jared Rutter, PhD, professor of biochemistry, and Kevin Hicks, PhD, research instructor of biochemistry, at the University of Utah, received $1.8 million to comprehensively catalog how molecules involved in metabolism...
Adam Hughes, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, was featured in Scientific American for his lab's research on vacuolar acidity in yeast cells and it's connection to mitochondrial dysfunction and aging.
Congratulations to SACNAS for receiving the University of Utah 2023 Leadership in Inclusive Excellence Award, which was received by current SACNAS president Deirdre Mack and former president Faith Bowman.