Standards & Interoperability
Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Methods
teaches skills, knowledge and theories for knowledge representation and for semantic interoperability among various data within and across multiple scales. Students must demonstrate competency in
representing a variety of data for computation and analytics,
implementing biomedical (and other) data standards, terminologies, and ontologies for achieving S&I in various settings,
developing biomedical information systems that require S&I (e.g., data integration),
exchanging biomedical data in a semantically consistent manner (e.g., Health Information Exchange), and
developing novel methods for semantic and metadata discovery and mapping using advanced computing/Big Data approaches.
Suggested Courses
BMI 6300 - Clinical Decision Support |
BMI 6016 - Biomedical Data Wrangling |
OIS 6040 - Data Analysis & Decision Making |
BMI 6440 - Clinical Information Systems Architecture |
CS 6140 - Data Mining |
CS 6936 - Learning Semantics for NLP |
BMI 6804 - Implementation of Systems in Healthcare settings |
IS 6910 - Data Mining in Healthcare |
Students have the opportunity to apply for practicums to gain hands-on experience by working a semester with the ReImagineEHR team or a Sociotechnical expertise on an existing project. Must be coordinated with the team/expertise director before registering:
ReImagine EHR - Ken Kawamoto