GPH Research
We are known for our global partnerships that provide ample opportunities for community-based participatory research (CBPR). We value ethical approaches to global health which translates to community-driven research and projects. Our faculty-led learning abroad programs provide opportunities for students to conduct ethical (and IRB approved) research. A sampling of global health research conducted by our faculty, students, and partners is listed below.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
- Sandhu, A. K., Panesar, H., Rastogi, H, Tu, C*, Talboys S, Singh, TP, Kahlon, A. (2021). Original Paper Community Action: A 360 Approach to Understand and Prevent Violence against Women and Child Marriage in Punjab, India. World Journal of Social Science Research, 8 (2).
- Singh TP, Schweinitz PA, Khanna I, Norbu C (2021). Buddhist Monks as community organizers: an indigenous response to COVID-19 in the Spiti Valley of Northern India, Critical Public Health. Critical Public Health.
- Ahmed J, Wong, LP, Chua YP, Channa N, Memon UU, Garn JV, Yasmin A, VanDerslice JA. (2021). Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng. 2021;56(6):667-679.
- Gren LH, Benson LS, Frost CJ. (2020). Global U: Exploring curricular development and outcomes in three University of Utah experiential learning abroad programs. Pedagog Healt. 6(1):36-45 DOI: 10.1177/2373379919895037
- Kwabeng MA, Kyei KA, Manortey S, Vanderpuye V, Kitson-Mills D, Yarney J, Talboys S (2020). Assessment of clinical outcome and health insurance coverage among patients with breast cancer. J Public Health Africa, 11(1), 1344.
- Khanna P, Singh T, Kaur R, Miller JA, Mejie T, Minhas S. (2020). Impact of Health Promoting Nutrition Intervention Package on Severe Malnutrition among Under-Five Children in Rural Northern India. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 8, 238-244.
- Bondah EK, Gren LH, Talboys SL. (2020). Prevalence, drinking patterns, and risk factors of alcohol use and early onset among Ghanaian senior high school students. Am J Prev Med Public Health. 6(1): 16-25.
- Poonam K, Singh TP, Singh T, Kaushik R, Sharma M. (2020). Testing Multi-Theory Model (MTM) in Predicting Physical Activity Behavior Among Upper Elementary School Children in Northern India. Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 5(3), 387-396.
- Odukoya OO, Manortey S, Takemoto M, Alder S, Okuyemi KS. (2020). Body, soul and spirit, an adaptation of two evidence-based interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating among adults in churches in Lagos Nigeria: a three-arm cluster randomized controlled pilot trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud. PMID: 32391167 DOI: 10.1186/s40814-020-00600-6.
- Ahmed J, Wong LP, Chua YP, Channa N, Mahar RB, Yasmin A, VanDerslice JA, Garn JV. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Quality to Predict the Risk of Waterborne Diseases in Primary-School Children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. (2020) ;17(8):2774.
- Bismark O, Owusu-Ofori A, Anson D, Buxton R, Benson S, Ose-Akoto A, Owiredu EW, Adjei C, Amuzu EX, Boaheng JM, Dickerson T. (2020). Point prevalence of asymptomatic Plasmodium infection and the comparison of microscopy, rapid diagnostic test and nested PCR for the diagnosis of asymptomatic malaria among children under 5 years in Ghana. PLoS One. 15(7):E0232874. doi: 10.1371/journal/pone.023287.
- Okyere, B, Owusu-Ofori, A, Ansong, D, Buxton, R, Benson S, Osei-Akoto, A, Owiredu, E W, Adjei, C, Xorse Amuzu, E, Marfo Boaheng, J, Dickerson T .(2020). Point prevalence of asymptomatic Plasmodium infection and the comparison of microscopy, rapid diagnostic test and nested PCR for the diagnosis of asymptomatic malaria among children under 5 years in Ghana. PloS One, 15(7).
- Obasi M, Manortey S, Kyei KA, Addo MK, Talboys S, Gay L, Baiden F (2019). Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in schools for people with disabilities. Pan Afr Med J, 33, 299.
- Kagabo R, Singh TP, Frost CJ, Gren LH (2019). Assessment of Dental Caries and Oral Health Challenges of School-Age Children in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlements in Arua, Uganda. Int J Oral Dent Health, 5(2).
- V Sifa, J. S., Manortey S., Talboys S, Ansa, G. A., & Houphouet, E. E. (2019). Risk factors for loss to follow-up in human immunodeficiency virus care in the Greater Accra Regional Hospital in Ghana: a retrospective cohort study. International Health, Int Health, 13;11(6):605-612.
- Gren LH, Jaggi R, Frost CJ, Benson LS (2018). Reframing ethics when unintended consequences arise: a case report of a multiple micronutrient study during pregnancy in Ghana.
- Gren LH, Jaggi R, Frost CJ, Benson LS (2018). Ethics of Managing Unintended Consequences in Global Health Research: A Case Study. African Journal of Current Medical Research, African Journal of Current Medical Research, 2(2).
- Frost CJ, Morgan NJ, Allkhenfr H, Dearden S, Ess R, Albalawi WF, Berri A, Benson LS, Gren LH (2019). Determining Physical and Mental Health Conditions Present in Older Adult Refugees: A Mini-Review. Gerontology, 65(3), 209-215.
- Talboys SL, Kaur M, VanDerslice J, Gren LH, Bhattacharya H, Alder SC (2017). What Is Eve Teasing? A Mixed Methods Study of Sexual Harassment of Young Women in the Rural Indian Context. Sage Open, 7(1), 215824401769716.
- Khanna P, Kaur R, Singh T, Miller J, Sandhu A. K, Jyoti. (2017). Prevalence and Socio Demographic Determinants of Malnutrition in Rural Communities of District Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci, 5(3).
- Steward M, Grahmann B, Fillmore A, Benson LS (2017). Rural Community Disaster Preparedness and Risk Perception in Trujillo, Peru. Prehospital Disaster Med, 32(4), 387-392.
- Harris M, Birdsall A, Benson LS, Dickerson TT (2017). The Perception and Management of Acute and Chronic Pain in Rural Ghana. Ann Glob Health, 83(1), 59-70.
- Green JA, Leiser C, Stewart M, Benson LS (2016). Water quality analysis of a nontraditional distribution system in Trujillo, Peru. Ann Glob Health, 82(3), 443-444.
- Tanner WD, VanDerslice JA, Toor D, Benson LS, Porucznik CA, Goel RK, Atkinson RM. Development and field evaluation of a method for detecting carbapenem-resistant bacteria in drinking water. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2015 Jul;38(5):351-7.
- Benson LS, Frost CJ, Gren LH, Jaggi R (2015). Assessing Geospatial Barriers in Refugee Resettlement Communities: A Descriptive Exploration about How to Identify the Health and Other Resource Needs of Recently Resettled Refugee Women. Womens Health Issues, 1(1), 1-7.
- Williams EA, Ansong D, Alder SC, Benson S, Campbell SJ, MacDonald K, Miya TR, Boakye I, Boaheng JM, Amuzu EX, Owusu O, Nyanor I, Arhun B, Dickerson T (2014). Silent Crisis: Epidemic Hypertension in Rural West Africa. J Hypertens, 3(3), 147.
Conference Presentations, Abstracts and Posters
- Talboys S, Bhattacharya H, Singh TP, Petersen M, Sinha A, Berik G, Strenio J, Kaur M, Cho MR, Gren LH, VanDerslice JA, Alder SC. (2020) Sexual harassment in the global south: Methodological considerations for measuring its prevalence and impact on health and gender equity. In APHA's 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct 24-28, 2020). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/483740
- Math S, Allard M, Singh TP. (2020) Exploring the intersection of sowa rigpa, a traditional medicine practice, with conventional medicine in Spiti Valley, India. In APHA's 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct 24-28, 2020). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/482742
- Shandil N, Kamath V, Talboys S, Harris M, Singh TP. (2020) Functional health literacy and perceived health status among college level youth in Idupi, India. In APHA's 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct 24-28, 2020). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/463479
- Gren LH, Sutherland E, Arhinful C, Mangortey D, Bondah E, Dzebu P, Wormenor E, Taylor R, Asirifi V, Akpaglo S, Umeh P, Avorgbedor Y, Okorie H, Datsormor E, Acquaah-Arhin R, Frost CJ. (2019) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice about Breast Health in Peri-urban and Rural Areas in Eastern Ghana. In APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/444021
- Bondah EK, Gren LH, Frost C, Talboys S, Taylor R, Umeh P, Akpaglo S, Wormenor E, Sutherland E, Asirifi VH, Mangortey D. (2019) Mental health appraisal of Ghanaian high school students identifies opportunities for health education and health system strengthening. In APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/446202
- Keating EM, Fitzgerald E, Chiume M, Robison JA, Taddie M, Crouse HL, Eckerle MD, VanDerslice JA, Benson LS, Ciccone EJ, Poruzcnik CA. Referral Patterns for Children with Anemia in Malawi. In APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/430595
- Keating EM, Fitzgerald E, Chiume M, Robison JA, Taddie M, Crouse HL, Eckerle MD, VanDerslice JA, Benson LS, Ciccone EJ, Poruzcnik CA. (2019) Referral Patterns for Children with Anemia in Malawi. Poster session presented at Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Manortey S, Alder SC, Talboys S, Nelson N, Ocier K, Acheampong G, Sutherland S. (2019). Impact of the Health-2-Go project: A community-based intervention program in selected rural communities in Ghana [Abstract]. American Public Health Association 2019 Annual Meeting https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/443438
- Poonam K, Singh TP, Singh T, Kaushik R, Sharma M. (2019). Testing Multi-Theory Model (MTM) in Predicting Physical Activity Behavior Among Upper Elementary School Children in Northern India. In APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6). American Public Health Association. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/432131
- Knighton R, Pinzon L, Singh TP. (2019) Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-reported Oral Health Status in the Refugee Population in Utah Presented at The American Public Health Association (APHA) 2019 annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/439109
- Manortey S, Talboys SL, Sutherland EK, Nelson J, Ocier K., Acheampong GK, Daniel Opoku Agyemang D, Avorgbedor Y, Ametepe R (2018). Health2Go. Poster session presented at: Impacting Health through Collaboration and Innovation. Extreme Affordability Global: West Africa Conference. (2018) July 8-10, Kpong, Ghana.
- Benson LS, Frost CJ, Morgan N, Allkhenfr H, Dearden S, Ess R , Berri A, Gren LH, (2018) Determining Health Conditions Present in Refugees Age 60 Years and Older Arriving in Utah, United States of America. Poster session presented at International Conference of Migration Health - International Society of Travel Medicine, Rome, Italy.
- Tanner WD; VanDerslice J, Toor T, Benson LS; Atkinson R. Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria in Drinking Water: Method Development and Field Testing in New Delhi, India; Oct 2014; 2014 UNC Water and Health Conference;
- Bick R, Stringer K, VanDerslice J, Talboys S. Evaluation of a village-level safe water treatment and storage intervention in Bassi Pathana India. Poster session presented at 5th Annual Global Health Conference, Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Washington, DC.
- Gilbert C, Christenson S, Talboys SL, VanDerslice J, Kaur M. Development of a questionnaire to assess health consequences of public sexual harassment, or 'eve-teasing,' among young women in rural Punjab, India. Poster session presented at Council of Universities for Global Health, Washington, D.C.
- Arnold R, VanDerslice JA, Talboys S, Singh S. A participatory approach to community WaSH mobilization and evaluation in Punjab, India: Strategies to survive community expectations after dissemination. Poster session presented at Water and Health Conference - UNC Water Institute, Chapel Hill, NC.
Theses and Dissertations
- Talboys SL (2015). The public health impact of eve teasing: Public sexual harassment and its association with common mental disorders and suicide ideation among young women in rural Punjab, India. (Doctoral dissertation, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH – Proquest http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/1774373148.html?FMT=AI)
- Talboys S, (Clark, SL) (1997). Increasing the utilization and sustainability of primary healthcare services provided by a private voluntary organization in Rural Bolivia. Masters Thesis , Emory University School of Public Health. Master’s Thesis, Emory University School of Public Health
Other – Reports, Conference Proceedings, News Articles
- Talboys S, Benson S, VanDerslice J, (2018). Proceedings of the WASH Summit, Ensign College of Public Health