Graduation Forms
Graduation Overview

All students preparing for graduation must submit two forms. The first form is the graduation application. This application is submitted electronically through CIS, unless the application is being submitted past the deadline or a student is reapplying for graduation. Please read below for more detail. The second form is the Candidacy from. This form must be signed by all supervisory committee members and then returned to the students’ academic advisor. Deadlines for submission are listed below. Applications will not be accepted more than one year in advance.
Fall Graduation (December) | July 1 |
Spring Graduation (May) | November 1 |
Summer Graduation (August) | April 1* |
Required Forms

On-Time Applications (Graduation Application):
To apply on or before the due date simply click on the “Apply for Graduation – Graduate” tile under the Graduation tile in Campus Information Services (CIS) and follow the instructions on each page. Note: This link does not become active until your Supervisory Committee has been entered into Grad School Tracking.
A separate Application for Graduate Degree is required for each major in which you are applying.
Late Application/Reapplication

A Late/Reapplication for Graduate Degree is required in the following cases:
- Applicants who missed the deadline to apply on time.
- Candidates denied graduation in a previous semester.
- Candidates who have already applied for graduation and need to reapply to a future semester.
Failure to apply on time may delay your graduation.
Reapplications should be submitted no later than the last day of classes of the graduating term.
Reapplications will not be accepted more than one year in advance.
A Late/Reapplication for Graduate Degree may be submitted as an attachment in an email from the students Umail account to graduation@utah.edu.
Master Candidacy Form – The Master candidacy form must be signed by the student’s chair and committee members before being submitted to the students’ academic advisor. This form requires that all courses counting towards the desired degree be listed on the form.
PhD Candidacy Form - The PhD candidacy form must be signed by the student’s chair and committee members before being submitted to the students’ academic advisor. This form requires that all courses counting towards the desired degree be listed on the form.
MPH Graduation Requirements Deadlines

Practicum: All practicum materials must be submitted no later than the last day of class the semester you plan to graduate. Submitting materials late may negatively affect your ability to graduate on time.
CPH Exam: All MPH students must take their CPH exam no later than the last day of class the semester you plan to graduate. However, it is strongly recommended that you take the exam at least 2 weeks prior to the last day of class to allow time for scheduling issues or exam retakes.