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Submitting Research Proposals Requiring OSP Review

The DFPM Central Administration Research Office (CARO) is a resource available to DFPM faculty to develop research ideas and proposals, and to navigate the grant cycle from pre- to post-award. CARO pre-award staff work closely with investigators to facilitate the submission of competitive grant proposals to the university’s Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) by the OSP deadline, which is five business days prior to the funding agency or sponsor deadline. OSP reviews proposals for compliance and ultimately submits to the sponsor.


CARO provides the following pre-award services necessary for grant submissions:

  • Meet with the investigator (and division staff as needed) to discuss grant submission process and timeline;
  • Create a specific checklist for the funding opportunity announcement;
  • Develop a budget with the investigator and division accountant, where needed;
  • Draft the budget justification (investigators complete personnel descriptions);
  • Request and process subaward documents (if applicable);
  • Format biographical sketches and, in case of NIH submissions, verify that Personal Statement is tailored to FOA;
  • Track and assemble letters of support;
  • Provide templates for auxiliary documents, e.g., Facilities, Human Subjects, MPI Plan;
  • Input proposal information in third-party software (Cayuse or FastLane), incl. entering personnel, budget, and sub-award information; ensuring that documents conform to page limits and meet file name requirements; and uploading all attachments as pdf;
  • Route proposal to OSP and work with investigator to resolve questions discovered during OSP review;
  • Complete university-required Document Summary Sheet in eProposal (after budget is finalized).

CARO strongly encourages use of the following services to make grant submissions more competitive:

Because CARO staff review and process up to 15 proposals per month, we ask that investigators indicate their intent to submit as early as possible, at least one month prior to the OSP deadline for standard proposals or two months before the OSP deadline for complex proposals (e.g., multi-institutional proposals, proposals that require requests for cost sharing, reduced F&A rates, or training tables, etc.). It is our goal to meet all reasonable requests for support. However, if requests exceed our capacity at times, our services may be streamlined or given on a first-come, first-served basis. Per DFPM policy, CARO does not support applications that do not meet the OSP deadline. The Department Chair or the Vice Chair for Research may approve exceptions.