The 2022 POTS & Beyond Conference was hybrid.
Lodging was available at the conference venue—the Marriot University Park at 480 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.
Please contact us at potsconference@hsc.utah.edu to inquire about the hotel discount.
COVID-19 Policies
As COVID-transmission rates are still high in the Salt Lake City area, and as providers who care for people at risk of severe illness and/or are unable to be vaccinated for COVID-19, we will be updating our conference COVID policy. All policies are currently being revised. Check back soon as the most up-to-date policies will be posted here.
- Masks will be required to attend the in-person POTS & Beyond event. We are requesting that attendees wear a well-fitted mask that is rated as a KN-95 or N-95 while indoors at the conference. Masks will also be made available at the venue for your use. For meal and break times, we plan to provide ample space for dining, encourage physical spacing as able, and are working with our venue to provide open, well-ventilated areas for the conference sessions, meals and breaks.
- Proof of vaccination status will not be required to attend POTS & Beyond. However, for those able to receive this protection, we strongly support vaccination and boosters as recommended by the CDC and encourage participants to self-test for COVID before attending.
- Importantly, if you experience any symptoms and/or have been exposed to someone who is acutely ill, please do not attend in person. To switch to virtual registration, email Abby.Forrest@hsc.utah.edu.
We are incredibly grateful for your understanding and continued support for the millions of people living with post-infectious conditions and the processes that will prevent future cases.