Core Courses & Suggested Electives
Core Courses
PATH 5030 (Fall/3 credit hrs) Basic Immunology . This is a survey course covering the basic principles in Immunology. Students should have some exposure to biochemistry, modern genetics, and cell biology. The final third of the course will feature clinical and experimental topics in Immunology with lectures provided by faculty directly involved in the particular area.
PATH 6510 (Spring, half semester/2 credit hrs) Laboratory Correlation. Correlation of disease states and laboratory data; requirements include term paper, presentation, and evaluation of journal articles and current literature.
PATH 6750 (Fall/4 credit hrs) Pathophysiology of Disease for Laboratory Medicine. In this course, students build a foundation for understanding mechanisms responsible for the development of common diseases and conditions including immune, genetic, blood, nervous and endocrine system disorders, as well as pathophysiological processes responsible for the development of infectious, liver, kidney, and lung diseases.
PATH 6810 (Fall/1 credit hr) Graduate Seminar . Emphasis on use of Pub Med and literature searches, technical writing and presentation skills, and evaluation of applied and basic research data.
PATH 6830 (Spring/3 credit hrs) Research Orientation. Students work in the research laboratory of a selected faculty member. The project is defined prior to the beginning of the semester. Research techniques, design, and data acquisition are emphasized.
PATH 6900 (Spring/4 credit hrs) Techniques of Biochemical Analysis in Laboratory Medicine . Current and future techniques used in research and diagnostic medicine are covered, including basic technique principles, instrumentation, and clinical applications.
PATH 6970 (Fall, Spring, Summer/ 6-9 credit hrs required) Thesis Research MS. Research in laboratory towards preparation of master’s thesis.
MD LB 5130 (Fall/1 credit hr) Laboratory Management and Supervision. Students explore organizational principles, financial management of essential resources, human resource management and leadership theory. Focus on development of effective teamwork, written and oral communication skills, critical evaluation of management-related case studies, compliance and regulatory issues, cultural competency, and ethical decision-making.
Suggested Electives
BIO 5110 (3 credit hrs) Molecular Biology/Genetic Engineering.
BLCHM 6400 (2 credit hrs for 7.5 weeks) Genetic Engineering.
BLCHM 6410 (3 credit hrs/cross listed as MBIOL 6410) Protein and Nucleic Acid Biochemistry.
BLCHM 6400 (2 credit hrs/Prerequisite BIOL 3510 or equivalent) Genetic Engineering.
ED PS 6010 (3 credit hrs) Intro to Research Design and Ed Stats.
FPMD 6100 (3 credit hrs) Biostatistics I.
FPMD 6300 (3 credit hrs) Epidemiology I.
FPMD 6500 (3 credit hrs) Introduction to Public Health.
FPMD 6502 (3 credit hrs) International Public Health Issues.
H GEN 6350 (1 credit hr) Clinical Epidemiology.
MDLB 5100 (1 credit hr/ 7 weeks) Introduction to Educational Methodology.
MST 6010 (3 credit hrs) Business Fundamentals for Scientists.
PATH 5050 (2 credit hrs) Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis.
PATH 5535 (3 credit hrs) Principles and Applications in Molecular Diagnostics.
PATH 6000 (2 credit hrs) Medical Immunology.
PATH 6040 (4 credit hrs) Medical Microbiology.
PATH 6410 (1.5 credit hrs) Molecular Virology.
PATH 6520 (1-3 credit hrs) Special Topics.
PATH 6930 (1-2 credit hrs) Directed Readings.
PATH 7310 (1.5 credit hrs) Host Pathogen Interactions and Human Disease.
PATH 7360 (3 credit hrs) Advanced Immunology.
CTLE 6000 (3 credit hrs) Teaching in Higher Education.
WRTG 6000 (2 credit hrs) Writing for Publication.