PATH 7150-001 Hypothesis Design and Scientific Writing (COURSE ORGANIZER)
This class is targeted to second year graduate students on the Microbiology and Immunology graduate program. The course will develop hypothesis design and scientific writing skills and is based on the format of an F30 / F31 application. This course provides a guided writing opportunity to complete an application for submission to the NIH (if you are eligible - US citizens / permanent residents) or similar. In addition to grant writing, students will learn about how to submit grants through OSP. The class will guide you through the different sections that are required to complete for an F31 application, including what is required in the mentor’s statement. You will receive feedback on your draft proposals from faculty and your fellow classmates. You will participate in a mock study section to gain insight into how grants are reviewed. You should also have passed your qualifying exam and be starting to develop your own research project. (Annual Course)
PATH7907-001 Immunity to Infectious Diseases (COURSE ORGANIZER)
This class will cover immunity to viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. The format includes lectures, discussion key papers in this field and student presentations of specific pathogens of choice. Held Spring 2023, 2025 and 2027
PATH7320-001 Topics in Immunology (Lead Instructor: Scott Hale)
This course is designed to offer an introduction to different topics in immunology. Using a combination of lectures and paper discussions this course will provide an introduction to the applied immunology covering infection, cancer and autoimmunity. (Annual Course)
Role: Lecture on “Immunity to Parasitic Infections”
PATH 7330-001 Basic Immunology (Lead Instructor Hans Haecker)
This course covers a wide range of basic principles in Immunology. The final third of the course will also feature clinical and experimental topics in Immunology. Students should have exposure to biochemistry, modern genetics, and cell biology. The course meets the requirements for the Master of Science in Laboratory Medicine and Biomedical Science programs and is primarily designed for masters and graduate students. A limited number of ten seats is also available for undergrad students with a particular interest in Immunology (please note that this course is not primarily intended as a preparation course for Med School due to its programmatic depth). Students are encouraged to complete BIOL 2010 prior to enrolling in this course. It is recommended that BIOL 2030, 3205, 3510 are completed prior to taking this course. (Annual course)
Role: Lecture on Immune Cell Signaling
PATH7360: Advanced Immunology (Lead Instructor Dean Tantin)
This is an advanced lecture and seminar course addressing topics of immunological research and interest. The course will focus upon original research articles, not a textbook. Students will be expected to participate in discussions. Class grade will be determined based upon classroom participation and a research proposal based upon some aspect of immunology covered in this course. Held Spring 2023, 2025 and 2027
Role: Discussion lead for “Vaccines” sessions
MD ID 7340 Case based Learning in Brain and Behavior
The goal of this course is to gain a foundation of normal and abnormal neurological and psychological formation, function, regulation and treatment.
Role: Small group facilitator
HONOR 2951 Fundamentals of Global Health, The Honors College (Lead Instructor: Melissa Watt)
This course uses an interdisciplinary perspective to examine the major global health problems facing the world today. We will first establish a common foundation for global health, including a history of global health, the global burden of disease, sustainable development, and social determinants of health. We will then apply these concepts to take a deeper look at health issues, organized by the global burden of disease (Category 1, Infectious, maternal and neonatal conditions; Category 2, Non-communicable diseases; and Category 3, Injuries). Student-led case studies throughout will provide country-specific examples of how both upstream and downstream approaches can influence health outcomes, and successful strategies for reducing health disparities. In a final project you’ll have the opportunity to write an independent paper on a topic in global health of your choosing.
Role: Lecture on “Malaria”
Yaounde Advanced Course for Immunology (COURSE ORGANIZER)
This week-long residential course is held at the University of Yaounde, Cameroon and covers all aspects of immunology, as well as advanced topics from guest lecturers including autoimmunity, infection immunology and immunological techniques. To find out more about this course please click here.
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Biology of Parasitism Summer Course
This course is run by the Marine biological Laboratory in Wood’s Hole, Massachusetts. For 40 years, the Biology of Parasitism (BoP) Course has served a critical role in training the next generation of parasitologists: bringing bright, motivated students together with outstanding and committed faculty to create a stimulating environment for interaction, education and discovery. BoP is an intensive 7-week course with a strong laboratory component in which students share the bench with scientists to test creative new ideas in parasite and vector systems and apply the newest approaches in molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, immunology and bioinformatics. The course is structured around morning lectures from established investigators and rising stars in the field, followed by experimental work in the afternoons and evenings. Lectures and experimental work cover a wide range of parasite systems and vectors, and are designed to go both broad and deep. Experimental work is organized into four individual modules, each 1-2 weeks long and run by a different expert in the field. While the module directors set the general parameters of what will be studied, within that context students have flexibility to design their own experiments or take the questions in a new direction. The quality of the research done in the course is reflected in the many papers subsequently published in which BoP students are acknowledged for having generated the idea or preliminary data that led to the study. A summer at the MBL is a truly unique experience in its intensity, excitement, fun, and relentless pursuit of scientific discovery. For more information on how to apply to attend BOP please click here.
Role: Lecture on Malaria (2019)