An important part of fellowship is presenting at regional and national meetings. These are, most often, the regional Western Society for Pediatric Research (WSPR), and the national/international Pediatric Academic Society meetings (PAS). Pediatric Academic Society (PAS) annual conference, and American Academy of Pediatrics District VIII Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine meetings
Conference participation:
- Exposes the fellow to research, both clinical and basic, that is being done nationally;
- Gives the fellow feedback on the scholarly activity during the discussion associated with their presentations, as well as informal conversation;
- Provides an arena in which the fellow can practice and develop confidence in their presentation skills; and
- Provides the opportunity to network with faculty and fellows from other institutions.
These meetings provide the mentors the opportunity to teach the fellows the importance of networking. Finally, well-presented scholarly work presented at these meetings attracts the attention of Neonatology Division Chiefs and Pediatric Department Chairs, and thereby become stepping-stones to future academic opportunities.
Our fellows have been very productive in the research arena and their work has been recognized at WSPR, PAS, District VIII, and other conferences throughout the country. At the national/international PAS meetings the fellows have made five platform presentations, one platform-symposium presentations and 56 poster presentations. In all of these 106 presentations, our fellows have been the presenting authors. Please see the research descriptions for each of our current fellows and their research interests.
Program Director

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Program Coordinator
Angie Horne