Underserved & Global Health
Providing neurological evaluation and care for underserved populations is an important component of our Division's mission. Our Pediatric Neurologists participate in local and international efforts to provide excellent medical care and education across boundaries of all kinds.
Children with Special Health Care Needs Clinic
The Utah Department of Health provides services for children with special needs through the Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Clinic. Typically, children who qualify for care in this clinic have, or are at increased risk for, a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services... beyond that required by children generally.
Our neurologists see patients at the CSHCN satellite clinics held all over the state of Utah.
Neonatal Follow-up Clinic
The Utah Department of Health provides a Neonatal Follow-up Program. The Program's goals are three-fold:
- Offer two year interdisciplinary follow-up services to an at-risk graduate from a referring newborn intensive care unit (NICU);
- Complement the care provided by the child's medical home;
- Provide feedback to the referring NICU. The program offers periodic screening by a multidisciplinary team.
The Neonatal Follow-up Program provides healthcare screening to eligible children based on the needs of each child. Screening services can include neurological, ophthalmologic, audiological and nutritional evaluation. When indicated, the program assists with or refers to appropriate intervention and financial services.
Global Health
Building educational and collegial connections between institutions, cultures and continents improves healthcare for all of us. Pediatric subspecialists play a major role in the Department of Pediatrics Global Health program. Interested faculty and residents regularly participate in programs abroad as well as locally. Contact Josh Bonkowsky for information about pediatric neurology in the developing world.
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