Assessment Program Mission, Vision, and Values
The Assessment Program contributes to the School of Medicine mission by implementing a broad program of assessment that allows trustworthy judgments about student achievement of its program objectives. The assessment program motivates and directs student learning, informs their advancement in training and practice, and protects patients and the public.
Become a national benchmark for undergraduate medical education assessment programs
Rational, Evidence-based, Just, Transparent, Accountable
***What to do if you think a student needs additional review***
If you think a student would benefit from further review by the assessment team for any reason, please contact the Assessement Program Coordinator, Rebekah Wadsworth (rebekah.wadsworth@hsc.utah.edu).
Progress Team
Mission: The progress team provides holistic and equitable review of a student’s professional development over time. The team will regularly review assessment data for each student to monitor their progress towards achieving program objectives and to identify areas of focus for further development.
Values: The progress team will benefit students at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine by:
- Facilitating ALL students’ development in self-direction of their learning and development related to the program objectives.
- Identifying and supporting students BEFORE they fail to pass a course.
- Building firmer coordinating relationships across student support resources: including (but not limited to) academic success, wellness, master clinician observers, learning communities, and curriculum.
- Serving an essential role in programmatic assessment of the new MD program and how it supports students’ achievement of the learning objectives.
Structure: The progress team consists of three parts that provide layered support based on a learner’s individual needs.
1. Extended Progress Teams; Semi-annual Comprehensive Review of ALL Students
- Description: Review of each student's progress towards achieving the learning objectives
- Role: Semi-annual progress reviews shared with students and their coaches to facilitate development of individualized learning plans (ILPs) focused on identifying areas for further development.
2. Student Development Teams; Frequent Review of Students Needing Further Support
- Description: Provide consultation for students identified as needing additional support and assistance to progress towards achieving specific program objectives.
- Role: Initial evaluation of student needs coupled with a follow up for targeted review of the student’s progress.
- Goal: Connect students with systems and resources to support their development, adapting recommendations and assistance to fit the individual student’s current needs.
- Referral: If you believe a student would benefit from further support from a Student Development Team, please contact us here
3. Progress Leadership Team; Quarterly Oversight and Equitable Support
- Description: Review of extended progress and student development teams’ plans and recommendations.
- Role: Provide oversight to extended progress and student development teams to provide guidance and ensure equity and quality across the program.
Assessment Program Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The assessment program strategic plan core strategies, overarching themes, and key tensions were reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee on August 17, 2022.
Assessment Program Leadership Team
- Danielle Roussel – Dean
- Katherine Anderson - Faculty Development, Best Practices, SDT
- Kathryn Moore - Faculty Development, Best Practices, SDT
- Karen Moser - Best Practices
- Jacob Kean - Technology and Data
- Tim Formosa - Technology and Data
- John Patrick Gerstenberger - OSCE
- Gabrielle Langmann - OSCE
- Katie Lappé - Progress Team and SDT
- Meghan O’Connor - Progress Team and SDT
- Jana Wold - Progress Team
- Kristin Barry – Associate Director of Curriculum
If you have any questions about the Assessment Program, please contact:
- Rebekah Wadsworth - Assessment Program Coordinator; rebekah.wadsworth@hsc.utah.edu)