Other Resources
"The Core" Resources
"The Core" is a student-led group initially founded in 2018 by University of Utah School of Medicine Medical Students, Rachel Tsolinas and Sam Wilkinson. The mission of this group is two-fold: (1) create a platform for students to explore medical education, and (2) provide a medium for advice and wisdom regarding cultural knowledge to be passed down from class to class. To fulfill this mission The Core annually publishes two peer-led information guides and is assessing the long-term effectiveness of these guides via research projects.
The Medical School Starter Pack
The Medical School Starter Pack is a compilation of important information upper-class students believe rising first-year students should know. Ranging from online learning strategies to resources for well-being, the goal of this document is to ease the transition into medical school and to nurture a culture that actively supports junior members.
The Clerkship Survival Guide is a resource designed to assist students in bridging the divide between the formal curriculum and the hidden curriculum before clerkships. Modeled after guides from other medical schools, most notably The University of Texas Veritas Mentors in Medicine, the Clerkship Survival Guide expands upon and systematically addresses important aspects of clerkships. Specifically, it provides performance evaluation examples, targeted advice for core rotations, anonymous reporting of mistreatment, guidance on rounding etiquette as well as appropriate and inappropriate team behavior.
Current Members:
Amanda Cooper (Class of 2023), Jordan Nishimoto (Class of 2023), Heather Cummins (Class of 2024), Edward Holloway (Class of 2024), Michelle White (Class of 2025), Shani Chung (Class of 2025), Dr. Kathryn B. Moore (faculty advisor).
If you are a medical student who would like to get involved, please reach out to Heather Cummins (heather.cummins@hsc.utah.edu) or Edward Holloway (edward.holloway@hsc.utah.edu).