2023 Projects
Development of a Real-time Interface Showing Availability of Breast & Cervical Cancer Services in Ghana
PI: Dr. Edward Sutherland
Currently, in Ghana, no nationally-integrated data system exists to audit hospital capabilities for self-reference, comparison, and alignment to international standards. The purpose of this study is to build on the achievements of a previous one-time survey conducted in collaboration between the University of Utah and Ghana Health Services by developing novel data infrastructure systems to explore the possibility of regular, annualized data collection for cancer-related health services, particularly for breast and cervical cancer.
Short Course Adjuvant Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy (VCB) in Early Endometrial Cancer Compared to Standard of Care (SAVE) in Ghana
PIs: Dr. Lindsay Burt, Dr. Aba Scott
Building on the work of the SAVE Phase III trial in the United States, this Phase II study seeks to potentially ease the patient burden regarding brachytherapy treatment for cervical cancer. Patients frequently are required to travel long distances for treatment, in addition to paying out of pocket for treatment. Through reducing the number of times patients are required to report to clinic for brachytherapy treatment, it is hypothesized that patients will experience reduced financial and travel burden in addition to minimized wait times due to limited clinical resources.
The Impact of Breast and Cervical Cancer Educational Interventions in Ghanaian High Schools
PIs: Dr. Kirstyn Brownson, Dr. Josephine Nsaful
This study seeks to explore and document ideas and attitudes among Ghanaian youth. Previous interventions have solely focused on adult populations. This novel approach will deliver a yearly educational intervention in Ghanaian schools through a multi-tool participatory learning package, including presentations/lectures, Q&A sessions, educational materials, and the production of a student drama. Regular follow-up will occur to assess the impact and retention of knowledge gained from these sessions, in addition to effects on preconceived beliefs regarding breast and cervical cancer.
2022 Projects
Exploring the Beliefs, Myths, and Misconceptions Surrounding Breast Cancer among the People of Jamestown and Determining the Causes of Delay and Client Satisfaction of Patients Receiving Breast Cancer Care at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital
PIs: Dr. Calys-Tagoe, Dr. Brownson
This project seeks to explore the knowledge, beliefs and myths surrounding breast cancer in the community of Jamestown, which serves as a microcosm of the greater Accra area. Additionally, the work aims to determine the factors associated with delays in seeking healthcare and the level of satisfaction of breast cancer patients with the care they receive at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.
Burden of Cervical Cancer in Northern Ghana
PIs: Dr. Titigah, Dr. Harris
The aim of this project is to determine the burden of cervical cancer in northern Ghana. This includes determining the relevance of gynecological cancers in the region from the past 5 years of hospital data, in addition to incidence rates, these will serve as crucial first steps towards addressing the dearth of literature on cervical and other gynecological cancers in Northern Ghana.