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Conducting Research at the University of Utah

What We Can Do For You

Pre- and post-award grants and contracts support--from proposal submission to annual reporting to project closeout.

Serve as a liaison with other departments, institutions, and research offices.

Serve as a source of information about institutional research resources and regulations.

Clinical research guidance, including and other compliance support.

Clinical research coordinator support.

Research Admin

A Simplified Process for Conducting Research at the University of Utah

  • Develop a research question from an idea or observation
  • Perform a scoping literature review to ensure novelty
  • Refine your research question and consider the funding stream
    • identify experts in field and discuss your idea with them
  • Decide on the appropriate research study design
    • decide on the appropriate study design and statistical analysis
    • work with Dr. Pace or SDBC
    • consider feasibility and ethical aspects
    • think about the sampling and recruitment
    • identify the additional input you may need from a statistician, health economist, methodology expert etc.
  • Write the research proposal
  • Confirm the costing of the project
    • think through the logistics of your research
  • Submit your research application
  • Obtain ethical approval
    • IRB approval can take weeks to months
  • Prepare for data management before collecting and collating the data
    • design data collection forms and develop a database (Dr. Pace/SDBC)
    • follow the protocol and guidelines
    • think about the data protection and confidentiality
    • follow GCP SOPs
  • Analyze the data and interpret findings
    • perform data analysis
    • work with Dr. Pace or SDBC
    • interpret findings
    • compare your findings with the relevant published evidence
    • clarify how your research findings can be put into clinical practice
  • Reporting and dissemination
    • write a research report
    • follow relevant reporting guidelines
    • present at conferences or seminars
    • write a scientific paper for a peer-reviewed journal

Research Admin Team

Benion, Natalie

Natalie Bennion

Clinical Research Coordinator

Background:   Natalie Bennion has a BS and Master’s degree in Public Health with an emphasis in health promotion and epidemiology. Prior to coming to the University of Utah, Natalie taught various public health courses at Utah Valley University. She has 5 years of experience as an epidemiology research assistant.  

Responsibilities: Natalie serves the department as a Clinical Research Coordinator. She assists in managing and conducting ongoing research studies for the department, including assisting with applications.

tommy bower

Tommy Brower

Clinical Research Coordinator

Background: Thomas has a BS in Neuroscience and Chemistry and a BA in the History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to coming to the University of Utah, he worked for three years in a Pediatric Neurosurgery and Immuno-Oncology Lab at UPMC Children's Hospital and two years at a Translational Neuro-Imaging Lab. Thomas investigated novel chemo/immunotherapeutic strategies to target chemoresistant pediatric brain tumors and plaque deposition with the cerebrovascular of Alzheimer's models. 

Responsibilities: Thomas serves the department as a Clinical Research Coordinator. He assists in managing and conducting ongoing research studies for the department, including assisting with IRB submission.

Carter de la Houssaye

Carter de la Houssaye

Administrative Assistant

Background: Carter de la Houssaye joined the Department of Anesthesiology in April 2017 after being an independent contractor that worked with South Salt Lake’s mayor’s office. Before that she was the manager of a Day Spa and Salon for 11 years.

Responsibilities: Carter serves the department as an administrative assistant to Clinicians, Research faculty and PhDs. She is the coordinator for the department’s annual conference and she performs accounting, project reconciliation, project tracking, and data tracking and report creation.



Robli Kennedy

Administrative Assistant

Background: Robli Kennedy joined the Department of Anesthesiology in 2016 after serving as the Hospital Lodging Coordinator at the University Guest House for four years. Prior to coming to the University of Utah Robli worked in customer service and was self-employed for 16 years.

Responsibilities: Robli serves the department as an administrative assistant to clinical research faculty and the Simulation Center. She performs accounting, project reconciliation, project tracking, and data tracking and report creation.


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Anne Mackey

Clinical Research Coordinator

Background: Anne Mackey is a 2004 graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine. While attending medical school, Anne earned her Master's of Public Health in Tropical Medicine. She did one year of internal medicine but then decided to stay at home with her three children as a full-time mom.

Responsibilities: Anne currently serves the department as a Clinical Research Coordinator. She assists in managing and conducting ongoing research studies for the department.

Picture of Reiko Mitsunaga

Reiko Mitsunaga

Research Nurse

Background: Reiko has been a research nurse for the department and Pain Research Center for the past 20 years. Before her research position had worked in the Operating Room department of the University of Utah.

Responsibility: Serves as the Senior Research Nurse for the department and Pain Research Center facilitating clinical research from design to implementation, including: IRB submission, budget review, uTRAC/OnCore.


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RUoyu(Roy) Song

Lab technician

Background: Roy has a B.S. in Chemistry with Professional emphasis from the University of Utah. Before Joining the School of medicine, Roy worked for the Department of chemistry as a lab preparation personnel and lab safety officer. Roy has also worked for Discover Financial Services as a data analyst.
Responsibilities: Roy serves the department as a Lab technician. He assists in different research projects and is tasked to do all related lab work ranging from animal studies to human clinical trials.

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Dale Thompson

Grants and Contracts Manager

Dale has BA and master’s degree in strategic communication. She has nearly 20 years of experience in grants management.

Responsibilities: Dale provides expertise and guidance related to all pre- and post-award activities for research grants.

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Christian Cahoon

PS Study Coordinator

Background: Christian Cahoon is a graduate of Utah State University, where he majored in Biochemistry with a minor in Public Health. He has a passion for biochemistry and public health, which he has pursued through academic excellence, research, service, and teaching. 

Christian has research experience in the field of pain. He contributed to several NIH-funded studies focused on post-surgical chronic pain and fibromyalgia in the Taylor Research Lab at the University of Utah School of Medicine. He has experience in healthcare administration and global health, working as a Public Health Intern for the Home Hospital Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and as a Unite for Sight Global Impact Fellow in Ghana. 

Aside from his academic pursuits, Christian has a deep love for nature and enjoys spending time outdoors. He is an avid fly fisherman, skier and rock climber. He enjoys spending time with his wife Emily and taking his dog, Boston, on long walks. As a Massachusetts native, Christian is also a passionate fan of Boston sports teams, especially the Red Sox.

Research Vice Chair

Ken B. Johnson, MD, MS

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Research Manager

Jacob L. Steenblik, DNP

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