Mission and Strategy
Research Scholarship – Guiding Statement
To advance the science and practice of primary care and public health through creating and disseminating knowledge that promotes health by improving patient care, enhancing access and engagement for all populations, and informing health programs and policies.
Our goal is to improve health, reduce the impact of disease, and promote health equity through collaborative research and scholarship initiatives.
Goal 1:
Reinvigorate UHRN, an active PBRN centered in DFPM, with collaboration across the SOM and University, to optimize research involving our providers and patients.
Goal 2:
Maintain strong pre-post award services for active department researchers. Keep the barriers low for submitting quality grants and managing active grants.
Goal 3:
Support and enhance pathways to develop clinician researchers and clinic-based research.
The research strategy of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences Research Unit can be viewed here.