Research Groundbreakers: Spotlighting Butler, Parashar and Wright for their research work at the U
Dr. Jorie M. Butler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Department of Internal Medicine Geriatrics Division. Recently, Butler was awarded an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) grant for An Age-Friendly Learning Healthcare System: A Transformative Digital Solution for Geriatrics Clinics. Read more about her achievements here.

FDA faces backlash over approval of genetic test for opioid addiction risk
Dr. Adam Gordon, a professor of medicine and psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine, voted against AvertD’s approval on the FDA’s advisory panel in 2022. Read more about his insight.

@theU: When electronic health records are hard to use, patient safety may be at risk
Read about some of Dr. David Classen's latest research, which suggests that hospital electronic health records (EHRs) that are difficult to use are also less likely to catch medical errors that could harm patients.