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The Department of Internal Medicine

Hematology - Oncology Fellows 2022

Hematology - Oncology Fellows 2022

Nephrology Group 2022

Nephrology Group 2022

Nephrology Group 2022

Nephrology Group 2022

Welcome to the Department of Internal Medicine

Since our founding in 1943, the University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine advances health through excellence in each of our core domains: education, patient care and discovery, through inspiring an engaged, wide-ranged membership, encouraging innovative thinking, and building collaborative partnerships. Learn more about the Department.

Welcome from Dr. John Inadomi

Department of Internal Medicine Chair

The University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine advances health through excellence in each of our core domains: education, patient care and discovery...more

Internal Medicine News

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Upcoming Events

July 16, 2024

Geriatrics Journal Club

Geriatrics Journal Club; “An Intro to Journal Club” , Presenter: Randall Rupper,MD,MPH, ...

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July 23, 2024

Geriatrics Clinical Conference

Geriatrics Clinical Conference. Presenter: Emily Jane Strickler, MSIV, “Utility ...

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July 30, 2024

Geriatrics Clinical Conference

“Update in Geriatrics Clinical Care”, Geriatrics Clinical Conference. Presenter: CME ...

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