Seminar Opioid correction vs Opioid trauma: clinical challenges of our new policy context Seminar Fecal microbiota transplantation for treatment of gastrointestinal & liver disease Seminar APOL1-associated nephropathy: changing the paradigm in kidney disease Seminar 2018 ADA EASD consensus guideline: Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes Seminar What's good for the heart is good for the brain: Sprint-mind results Seminar Studies of familial colon cancer & colon cancer genetics Seminar Bench to bedside: development of new therapeutics for the myleloproliferative neoplasms Seminar Lessons from inherited platelet disorders Seminar Gastrointestinal stromal tumor optimizing apoptosis Seminar Improving processes & quality at University of Utah: Highlights Seminar The new (?) science of implementing best practices Seminar Rheumatoid arthritis in 2018 for the internist Seminar Department - wide town hall Seminar Who needs palliative care? A review of the palliative care program at the University of Utah Seminar Respiratory failure with normal lungs: signs, symptoms & interventions Seminar Mesenchymal stem cell-enabled cure of type 1 diabetes mellitus: from bench to dogs to the clinic Seminar Making mentoring matter: Practical tips for enhancing your research or clinical mentoring team Seminar Origin of the department of internal medicine at the University of Utah: the legacy of Max Wintrobe Seminar The diabetes trilogy: New concepts, novel technology & food for thought Seminar The replicability crisis: ethical implications for modern medicine Seminar CPC Seminar Healthcare from the patient & employer perspectives: how can we add value? Seminar Platelets, immunity, & thrombosis: lessons from the Horseshoe crab Seminar Amyloidosis: A rapidly moving field Seminar Cancer genetic testing: the wild west & beyond Seminar Progressive renal decline: a new paradigm of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) findings derived from the Joslin kidney study Seminar Functional disorders & neurogastroenterology Seminar How to find new, effective treatments for diabetic kidney disease Seminar Optimizing medical care of older adults Seminar Vascular disease & geographic ancestry: Platelets, genes, & gene variants Seminar Why physicians need to think like creative writers Seminar 40 years of perioperative cardiac assessment: A piece of my mind Seminar Update on Nephrolithiasis Seminar Management of Lupus Nephritis 2018 - A nephrologist's persecutive Seminar Why are Jack & Greg more likely to become department chair than Jill or Jamal? Seminar Pharmacological management of Gout: Rationale & practice in 2018 Seminar Mozart vs Mile Davis: Understanding & improving decision-making in pneumonia w/ informatics Seminar Quality & safety at the University of Utah Seminar Colorectal cancer screening & surveillance Seminar Update on infective endocarditis & cardia device infections Seminar Hanging in the Balance: Fluid Overload and Acute Kidney Care Seminar Is it time to replace aspirin in acute coronary syndromes? Seminar Taking " AIM" at aromatase inhibitor-associated musculoskeletal symptoms Internal Medicine Grand Rounds Video Archive 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012