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Combat and repetitive blast exposure can cause mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) for military service members. The LIMBIC-CENC team focuses on the long term effects of mTBI on veterans and those currently serving.


Our lab is a small part of this project that contains multiple sites and collaborations. The Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) is a research association funded by the Department of Defense and Veterans’ Association (VA) dedicated to researching military-related mTBI. LIMBIC-CENC collaborates with researchers, consortia, industry, and other organizations that have similar goals of understanding the basic, translation, or clinical science of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and its chronic effects to improve clinical care and outcomes for persons with mTBI and/or to improve the rigor of research within the mTBI field. Extensive information is available on the LIMBIC-CENC website, found here

For more information about LIMBIC-CENC

There are many publications in the LIMBIC-CENC database at this link

Further Opportunities

There are many opportunities to participate in a LIMBIC-CENC study. If you are involved with the military and interested in participating, click here to see options and enroll. 

Contact Us

383 Colorow Dr., Suite 302
Salt Lake City, UT 84108