It is with great pleasure that the MLS Division announces that Christopher Wallace-Carrete, a 2021 graduate of the MLS Program, was inducted into the Beehive Honor Society on April 28th, 2021. As described on their website, the Beehive Honor Society was founded at the University of Utah in 1913 in order to honor graduating seniors with demonstrated leadership, scholarship, and service to the university and the community. It is sponsored by the Alumni Association and is the oldest local honor society on the U campus.
Prior to entering the MLS Program, Chris earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Military Science from the University of Nevada, Reno. After finishing his first degree, Chris served in the United States Army for five years and was awarded two Commendation Medals. Combining his strong work ethic, attention to detail, and keen organizational skills from his years of experience in the army with his interest in medicine, Chris was a natural fit for the clinical laboratory and will be a tremendous asset to the healthcare profession.
During his first year in the MLS Program, Chris was elected by his classmates as their class representative. In this role, he was expected to serve as a positive role model and act as a liaison between students, faculty, and administrators in the MLS Program. To say that the Spring 2020 semester was challenging for administrators, faculty, staff, and students would be an understatement; however, no matter what happened, Chris exemplified professionalism and truly demonstrated his innate abilities as a leader.
The Beehive Honor Society states that, “on average, just one in 1,000 students at the U is inducted into Beehive.” The MLS Division congratulates Christopher on this prestigious recognition and wishes him, and all of our 2020-2021 graduates, success as they continue to the next step on their journey.