< content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Meet Jonathan Buckendorf, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM | Pathology | University of Utah Health
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Meet Jonathan Buckendorf, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM

Jonathan Buckendorf, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM has recently joined the Department of Pathology as a faculty member in the Medical Laboratory Sciences Division.


Jonny is a native of Stansbury, Utah and graduated from the MLS undergraduate program in December 2018. He then enrolled in the department’s Laboratory Medicine and Biomedical Sciences graduate program and received his MS in December 2021.


In addition, Jonny worked at ARUP for over three years. He began in the Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) department for two years, and then became a coordinator in infectious disease for a year and a half. However, when the opportunity to join the MLS faculty arose, he found it to be a perfect opportunity for him.

With the rapid growth in the MLS undergraduate program, Jonny will teach the new afternoon laboratory sessions in pathogenic microbiology, parasitology and mycology, and diagnostic microbiology. His goals in this role are: to get comfortable teaching classes; to be an enthusiastic member of the MLS Division; and to convince everyone that microbiology is the best!


Jonny believes that the teaching laboratory is the ideal environment for students to learn and struggle through things. Understanding the process of trying, failing, asking questions, and learning has inspired him to teach others and develop as an instructor.


In his free time, Jonny enjoys hiking, swimming, water polo, and working out.

Jonathan Buckendorf