We complement our fellows experiential learning through traditional classroom lectures, conferences and simulations. Below is a list of educational activities that fellows attend.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Learning Sessions
Every Monday from 3-5 PM our fellows and faculty discuss issues specific to pediatric critical care medicine and the fellowship. Rotating sessions include:
Faculty Led
- Board Review: Deep dive into foundational topics with an emphasis on answering board-style questions
- Wellness Sessions: Our GME wellness center staff lead the fellows in various wellness activities. (Faculty do not attend.)
- Fellow’s Roundtable: Discussion of administrative issues important to fellows
- Simulation: High fidelity simulation focused on integrating foundational knowledge and clinical care.
- Core Lecture Series: Traditional lectures on topics based on faculty expertise and critical care topics
Fellow Led
- Clinical Practice Review: Conversation on the current practice and literature of an important clinical question (Monthly)
- Interesting Case: Systematic presentation of a recent case, similar to morning report format (Monthly)
- Journal Club: Discussion on a recent or classic journal article (Monthly)
- Research in Progress: Update on fellow’s on-going research
Additional Conferences
- Primary Children's Hospital (PCH) Grand Rounds
- Department of Pediatrics Fellow School (1st year)
- First year fellows from all sub-specialties participate in a core lecture series focused on research, administration, education, ethics, epidemiology, biostatistics and scientific writing, and oral presentations
- Cardiac Catheterization Conference
- Department of Pediatrics Research in Progress
- PICU/CICU morbidity and mortality
- Research-On-A Napkin
- Stat Chat
- PCH morbidity and mortality
- ECMO Morbidity and Mortality
- PCH Trauma Process Improvement
- PCH Trauma Education Conference
- Schwartz Rounds
Fellows participate in interprofessional simulations at least twice each year. In addition, fellows participate in ECMO simulation at least once per year. These are separate than fellow specific simulations.

Program Director

Associate Program Director
Program Director: Ben White, MD
Email: ben.white@hsc.utah.edu
Phone: 801-662-2471
Sharon Marron
Program Coordinator
Email: sharon.marron@hsc.utah.edu
Phone: 801-587-7572