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Trainee Research Mentor(s) Abstract Title

Gabriel Cortez
(New Mexico State Univ.)

Kro Ampofo, MD
Chris Stockman (Co-Mentor)

A Comparison of Seasonal versus Pandemic Influenza Infection in Children

Kolenya Holly
(Southern Utah Univ.)

Nicole Mihalopoulos, MD, MPH

Presence of brown adipose tissue may decrease risk for developing metabolic syndrome

Cynthia Wilson
(Southern Utah Univ.)

Flory Nkoy, MD, MS, MPH
Sara Halburn (Co-Mentor)

Asthma Symptom Fluctuation in Relation to Body Mass Index and Sex in Children

Daniele Nakai
(Southern Utah Univ.)

Steven Lessnick, MD, Ph.D. Understanding EWS/FLI-Mediated Regulation of Cyclin A in Ewing’s Sarcoma

Shay Tsosie
(University of New Mexico)

Kimble Frazier, MD, Ph.D. In Vivo Effects of Valporic Acid and Dexamethasone on Zebrafish T-Cell Leukemia

Theodore Weatherwax
(Montana State Univ.)

Phil Bernard, MD Assessment of a Human Proliferation Signature to Predict Endocrine Blockade Therapy Response in an Animal Model of ER+ Breast Cancer