2013 Alumni
Wallita Begay David Symon, Ph.D. Joel Begay Clint Brayfield Lesley Eldridge Jeremy Meier, MD Chantel Harrison Lisa Joss-Moore, Ph.D. Sam Hawkins Joshua Schiffman, MD Danielle Holliday Lisa Joss-Moore, Ph.D. Jaymus Lee Maija Holsti, MD, MPH Medical Communication Preferences of Error Disclosure in Pediatric Patients Charles Neher Nicole Mihalopoulos, MD, MPH Danner Peter Developing a Vertebrate Model Using Danio rerio to Study Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Iris Smith Anne Blaschke, MD, PhD, FAAP, FPIDS, FIDSA Goldie Stands-Over-Bull Craig Verdin Catherine DeVries, MD, MS Orlando Antelope Kuberan Balaguranathan, Ph.D. Kali Dale Dale Abel, MBBS, DPhil Steven Just Don McClain, Ph.D. Alex Kivimaki Jennifer Majersik, MD, MS Nicholas Sun Child KC Brennan, MD Monique Tulley Scott Willie Kuberan Balaguranathan, Ph.D.
Research Mentor(s)
Abstract Title
(Southern Utah Univ.)
Xin Wan (Co-Mentor)Protein phosphatase 2A activation contributes to cardiovascular complications in mice with diet-induced obesity
(Colorado College)
Telomere Lengths in Individuals with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
(University of New Mexico)
The Immunization Protection in Child Care (IPiCC) Project
(University of New Mexico)
Jonathan Curtis (Co-Mentor)Biocompatible Scaffolds in Bioengineering Cartilage in the Treatment for Microtia
(Arizona State Univ.)
A Sainz (Co-Mentor)Maternal Tobacco Smoke Exposure Alters Lung Static Compliance and Resistance
Muscogee Creek
(Utah State University)
Lisa Abegglen (Co-Mentor)SMARCB1/INI1 Gene Knockdown in Ewing Sarcoma Cell Lines
(University of Utah)
I.H. Trevenzoli (Co-Mentor)Effects of Maternal Tobacco Smoke Exposue on Estrogen Serum Levels and Signaling in Rat Adipose Tissue
(Fort Lewis College)
Victoria Wilkins (Co-Mentor)
(Univ. of Wisconsin)
M. Nazeem Nanjee (Co-Mentor)Physical Activity and Its Association with Metabolic Syndrome Among Obese Adolescents
(University of New Mexico)
(Northern Arizona Univ.)
Jarrett Killpack (Co-Mentor)Assay Development to Determine PCR Inhibition by Human Genomic DNA in Clinical Samples
(Yale University)
The burden of childhood cancers for patients from rural & Spanish-speaking backgrounds
United Houma Nation(Louisiana State Univ.)
Polly Wiessner (Co-Mentor)Impact of Surgical Scars On Body and Self Image: A Survey From Three Cultures
Northern Arapaho
(University of Utah)
April Joice (Co-Mentor)Molecular Cloning of Chondroitinase ABC from Proteus vulgaris For Use In Glycosaminoglycan Research
White Earth Ojibwe
(Univ. of Minnesota – Morris)
Trevor Fidler (Co-Mentor)Platelet Dysfunction in a Murine Model of Diet-Induced Obesity
Oglala Lakota
(Univ. of Minnesota – Morris)
Judith Simcox, Ph.D. (Co-Mentor)Dyssynchronous Circadian Rhythms caused by Restricted Feeding in a Mouse Model is Associated with Diabetes
(Univ. of Wisconsin)
Matthew Grantz (Co-Mentor)Determination of a Genetic Etiology of Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis through Whole Exome Sequencing
Turtle Mountain Chippewa(Montana State Univ.)
Jorge Mendez (Co-Mentor)Mechanical Changes Caused by Cortical Spreading Depression
(University of New Mexico)Kalani Raphael, MD, MS
Investigations of the Optimum Serum Bicarbonate Level In Renal Disease
(San Juan College)
Caitlin Mencio (Co-Mentor)Preparation and Characterization of Heparin Oligosaccharide Structures