Phase One
Psychiatry 6000: Scientific Foundations of Human Behavior
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare future physicians to be conscious and knowledgeable about the many developmental and behavioral issues involved in providing appropriate care to patients. Concepts of human development and human behavior will be understood as relevant to all physicians regardless of specialty. Course material is applied to understanding normal and maladaptive human behavior. Course content is drawn from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neurophysiology, experimental analysis of behavior, behavioral genetics, learning and communication theory and cultural anthropology.
Phase Two
Psychiatry 6010: Introduction to Clinical Psychiatry
Course Description: Psychiatry 6010 is an introductory course designed to provide a basic overview of major adult mental illness categories, with a focus on clinical psychopathology. Specific topics will include the psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, personality disorders and the somatoform disorders. The course will also involve discussions of the relevant genetic, neurodevelopmental and epidemiological information pertaining to each illness category discussed.
Psychiatry 2710: Brain and Behavior
Course Description: Brain and Behavior is a nine-week unit occurring in Phase Two of the integrated medical student curriculum during the first two years of medical school.
This course integrates basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with the clinical disciplines of psychiatry, neurology, pathology and pharmacology. The unit provides medical students with the conceptual framework necessary to recognize common neurological and mental health issues as physicians in any area of medical specialty. Concepts of normal human development, major adult mental illness and psychopathology and child and adolescent psychopathology are presented in a manner that integrates these topics with the basic sciences and neuroscience. The course utilizes multiple teaching methods including didactics, patient presentations, role-play interactions with psychiatric residents, wet and dry labs and multimedia presentations to enhance student understanding of mental illness and provide clinical skills that students will need during their clinical clerkship experiences and general practice as physicians.
Phase Three - Clerkship
Psychiatry 7200: Psychiatry Clerkship
Description: Psychiatry Clerkship
Phase Four - Career Development
Inpatient Sub-Internship Elective
7420 PSYCT: Subinternship in Adult Psychiatry: Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI)
Description: These four-week clinical electives are designed to provide students with an intensive experience in the diagnosis and management of acutely ill inpatient psychiatric patients. Students interested in pursuing a career in psychiatry are especially encouraged to enroll in a sub-internship. Each student will be assigned to rotate on a multidisciplinary team at our main site Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI).
Additional Electives:
Description: These electives are intended to provide fourth year students with experience in areas of psychiatry such as outpatient psychiatry, consultation-liaison psychiatry, substance abuse and child psychiatry. These can be two or four-week electives.
7440 PSYCT: Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (Addiction experience available by request.)
7450 PSYCT: Outpatient Psychiatry
7460 PSYCT: Child Psychiatry
7530 PSYCT: Triple Board Elective
7960 PSYCT: Psychiatry Research
For those students interested in the research elective, or for additional information about any of the electives listed above, please contact our Medical Student Education Program Manager: Lindsay Clark