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Conferences, Seminars & Symposia

The Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is proud to organize many continuing education events throughout the year. Our three major conferences are open to the public, our various symposia are open to invited participants and speakers, and our seminar series is open to anyone affiliated with our health system.


Head and Neck Imaging Conference

Coming Up: February 26-29, 2024

This comprehensive course in head and neck imaging is intended to give an in depth exposure to head and neck anatomy, diagnoses, and differential diagnoses. The course is divided into two parts daily. The morning sessions of each day are made up of didactic lectures covering all anatomic areas of the head and neck, with special sessions on the temporal bone, skull base, squamous cell carcinoma, orbit, paranasal sinuses, and pediatric head and neck issues.

Each afternoon is a mix of didactic lectures on head and neck imaging issues, protocols, and diseases with many interactive case reviews covering unknown head and neck cases correlating with the morning sessions. This time is designed to present the participant with hundreds of individual case examples of head and neck lesions. Interactive case presentations will be given with each individual case initially viewed as an unknown, maximizing the faculty-participant dynamic.

Visit the conference website.


imaging elevated

Fall, annually. Upcoming: October 24-25, 2024.

Beautiful Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah are the settings for this symposium showcasing some of the brightest minds in radiology and imaging sciences. A diverse group of graduate- and post-doctoral level researchers from across the USA have been selected and invited to speak at the symposium, engaging the symposium participants in topics such as MRI physics, molecular medicine, interventional radiology, and big data processing. Keynote speakers from academia and industry also join in the weekend of idea exploration.

Visit the symposium website.


Radiology and Imaging Sciences Seminar Series

8-10 times per year

This seminar series highlights clinical-research collaborations by our researchers and clinicians, displaying some of the most innovative and cutting edge translational research going on in our system. We are proud of our many collaborations across clinical specialties and use this seminar as a way to not just educate each other about new technologies and applications, but to contribute to the strong University of Utah atmosphere of collaboration.