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It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7


  • Call the Utah Crisis Hotline: 800-273-8255  or 800-273-TALK.


  • Text “HOME” to 7-41741 from any U.S. phone to access a trained crisis counselor through a secure platform. Visit the Crisis Text Line website.


  • Physicians can speak with a volunteer psychiatrist from 6am-11pm (MST), 7 days a week through the Physician Support Line: 888-409-0141.

Want to learn more about wellness?

  • The American College of Radiology has curated a useful set of resources that is geared specifically for Radiologists.
  • This National Academy of Medicine site provides some strategies to support clinician well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • This 18 minute TED talk by a leader of one of the world’s largest physician groups discusses the fundamental drivers of physician burnout and highlights some harrowing statistics.


Need some help navigating work-life balance, dealing with a stressful situation, or just want some general support?

Employees of the University of Utah and University of Utah Health have access to a number of resources that support wellness. Most of them are completely free.

  • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a fully confidential service that is free for University employees and their spouses or dependents. This is great first stop for any urgent, non-crisis level wellness needs, since they can help direct you to additional resources. For more information, call 800-926-9619.
  • The Resiliency Center offers a Peer Support Program, which provides support to University of Utah Health employees during, or after adverse clinical events and other stressful situations. Resilience consultations are also available to address work-life integration.  For more information, contact or 801-213-3403.


Wondering if you might be suffering from burnout? There are a number of screening tools that can help you assess your level of burnout. 

  • This online form is designed specifically for health care providers.
  • The Mayo clinic’s Well-Being index tool allows you to compare your scores to your peers and track your scores over time.


Be Well Together

A wonderful way to promote wellness in your workplace is by showing up feeling genuinely joyful about your work and life, and sharing that joy with those around you. How can one achieve this (if you haven’t already)? A key factor is to be continually working to align your ideal life and career with your actual circumstances. It may take some introspection, time, and compromises to get there, but as the overlap between your ideal and reality increases, the more joy you will feel.

Another great way is to give thanks to others for their contributions. By showing gratitude, not only do you show your colleagues how much you value them, but you can also reduce your own stress, improve your well-being, and sleep better at night. 

Last but not least: become a wellness leader or advocate. Well-being doesn’t result from a one-time fix. We will continually innovate, iterate, and improve; there’s no limit to how great we can make our work place. Let’s harness all of your creative ideas and enthusiasm and this department the best place to work!

IR staff