Graduate Successes in Biochemistry
- Sarah Apple (03/02/2020) - Kay lab - "Peptides, She Wrote: Case Studies in Challenging Peptide Synthesis"
- Alyssa English (02/03/2020) - Hughes Lab - "Investigating the Mitochindrial-Derived Compartment Pathway"
- Lauren Williams (1/16/2020) - Sundquist Lab - "Cytokinesis machinery is sequestered from the abscission site to control cell division"
- Jenna Goodrum (06/13/2019) - Hughes Lab- "Exploring Pathways of Quality Control at the Mitochondrial Surface"
- Sarah Safran (05/02/2019) - Bass Lab "Investingating PKR Ligands in Vivo and in Vitro"
- James Fulcher (03/05/2019) - Kay Lab: "From Therapeutic Discovery to Structural Biology: Applications of Chemical Protein and Peptide Synthesis"
- Claire Bensard (02/01/2019)- Rutter lab: "One Lump or Two? Glucose Metabolism and Tumor Initiation"
- Stephanie Pearson (01/25/2019) - Villanueva Lab - "Transcriptional Programming of Thermogenic Adipocytes by TLE3 and the Role of MPC1 in Thermogenesis"