Founders’ Fund
Research Endowment
The Founders’ Fund Research Endowment was established in honor of the Department of Biomedical Informatics’ three founders, T. Allan Pryor, Reed M. Gardner, and Homer Warner. The Founders’ Fund Research Fund provides $2,000 in supplementary funding for exemplary and innovative student research.
Eligibility & Application
The deadline for the submission of new applications is January 31 for that calendar year. The scholarship is for one-year projects supporting graduate students in new, innovative areas related to their research. This program is specific to the Department of Biomedical Informatics students seeking a thesis-MS or a PhD degree. Applicants must have passed the Biomedical Informatics comprehensive exams. PhD students must have passed or must be ready to take their PhD qualifying exam. Proposals should exhibit high alignment with the student’s PhD proposal. A student may submit only one proposal. The proposed project should not be funded by any other mechanism/research initiative (e.g., advisor’s grant) at the time of submission. Proposal approval by the student’s PhD committee is required and stated in a letter of support written by the student’s advisor on behalf of the committee.
For a more complete list of Application Instructions, please email Barbara Saffel.

You can help the Department of Biomedical Informatics continue to progress with even a small contribution.