Bruce A. Houtchens, MD
Bruce A. Houtchens, MD
Student Paper Competition & Award
This award was established in memory of Bruce A. Houtchens, MD, a surgeon, physicist, mathematician, aeronautical and astronautical engineer, and a fine human being. His main interests included trauma surgery/critical care, space medicine, and clinical applications of telemedicine and medical informatics. It is hoped that this Award will stimulate gifted students to open new horizons of medical technology and seek better ways of integrating medical technology into medical education and clinical practice. The first award was presented in 1997.
The $2,000 award is given to the winner of a paper competition. Students are invited to submit peer-reviewed, accepted papers expressing original ideas and reasonably complete research or development efforts in the areas of health informatics or telemedicine, broadly defined as the application of computer, communication, or information technology to healthcare.
Bruce A. Houtchens, MD
A personal reflection by Dr. Homer Warner describes Bruce, as follows:
“Bruce and I had many long discussions about how essential computers were and would become in providing medical care. Bruce was a brilliant student and had excellent ideas and projects that just seemed to “flow” from his intellect. Instead of just one project, Bruce proposed three as potential MS thesis projects. He became involved in a project to provide electronic, radio communications from injured soldiers on the battlefield. His forward-thinking about how to instrument, communicate, and computer process data from an injured soldier in battle really overtook Bruce.” The Master of Science in Medical Informatics Degree was awarded to him posthumously in 1995.
Student Paper competition
Students are invited to submit peer-reviewed, accepted papers expressing original ideas and reasonably complete research or development efforts in the areas of health informatics or telemedicine, broadly defined as the application of computer, communication, or information technology to healthcare.
award & scholarship recipients

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