Rolland H. Reiter
Rolland H. Reiter
The Rolland H. Reiter Scholarship in Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah is awarded to a student chosen based on their interest and contributions to clinical application of biomedical informatics with an emphasis on enhancing the quality and/or reducing waste in medicine. The award will go towards their tuition up to $6,000.
Eligibility & Application Process
Applicants must be a MS (thesis or non-thesis based) candidate in good standing in the Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Applicants must be working full-time in health informatics at a hospital, a health care system, or a private software or service company related to health care informatics.
Application Process
To apply, please submit the following to Barb Saffel:
A current CV
A letter explaining how you are fulfilling the goals of the donor
Two letters of support (One letter from a BMI faculty and one from your employer. Recommenders should send their letters directly to Barb Saffel.)
2022 Fall - Jeffrey Bernhardt, Josh Uda, and Kelsey Nicholson, MS Candidates
2021 Fall - Jeffrey Bernhardt, MS Candidate
2021 Spring - Andreas Martinson, MS Candidate
2020 – Mary Shea O’Brien, MS Candidate
2018 – Gabby Iorg, MS Candidate
2017 – Nicholas Consiglio, MS Candidate
2016 – Darin Humphreys, MS Candidate
2014 – Darin Humphreys, MS Candidate

You can help the Department of Biomedical Informatics continue to progress with even a small contribution.