- Leiferman KM, Snook JP, Khalighi MA, Kuechle MK, Zone JJ (2021). Diagnostics for Dermatologic Diseases with Autoantibodies. J Appl Lab Med, 7(1), 165-196.
- Leiferman KM, Snook JP, Khalighi MA, Kuechle MK, Zone JJ (2021). Diagnostics for Dermatologic Diseases with Autoantibodies. J Appl Lab Med, 7(1), 165-196.
- Hashimoto T, Yamagami J, Zone JJ (2021). History, Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, and Nomenclature in Sublamina Densa-Type Linear IgA Disease. JAMA Dermatol, 157(8), 907-909.
- Jimenez A, Topham C, Varedi D, Leiferman KM, Hull C (2021). Mucosal linear IgA disease with esophageal involvement responsive to ustekinumab. JAAD Case Rep, 15, 4-6.
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2021). Rituximab therapy for a severe case of pretibial myxedema. JAAD Case Rep, 10, 28-30.
- Saffari H, Peterson KA, Leiferman KM, Stabin MG, Krstyen JJ, Clayton FC, Pease LF 3rd, Yap JT, Hoffman JM, Gleich GJ (2019). Oral Administration of 99mTechnetium-Labeled Heparin in Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Mayo Clin Proc, 95(3), 449-458.
- Peterson KA, Gleich GJ, Limaye NS, Crispin H, Robson J, Fang J, Saffari H, Clayton F, Leiferman KM (2019). Eosinophil granule major basic protein 1 deposition in eosinophilic esophagitis correlates with symptoms independent of eosinophil counts. Dis Esophagus, 32(11).
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2019). Dermatitis herpetiformis resistant to dapsone due to dietary iodide ingestion. JAAD Case Rep, 5(8), 713-714.
- Shigeta M, Saiki M, Tsuruta D, Ohata C, Ishii N, Ono F, Hamada T, Dainichi T, Furumura M, Zone JJ, Karpati S, Sitaru C, Hashimoto T (2012). Two Japanese cases of dermatitis herpetiformis associated each with lung cancer and autoimmune pancreatitis but showing no intestinal symptom or circulating immunoglobulin A antibodies to any known antigens. J Dermatol, 39(12), 1002-5.
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- Zone JJ, Schmidt LA, Taylor TB, Hull CM, Sotiriou MC, Jaskowski TD, Hill HR, Meyer LJ (2011). Dermatitis herpetiformis sera or goat anti-transglutaminase-3 transferred to human skin-grafted mice mimics dermatitis herpetiformis immunopathology. J Immunol, 186(7), 4474-80.
- Mao X, Nagler AR, Farber SA, Choi EJ, Jackson LH, Leiferman KM, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Amagai M, Zone JJ, Payne AS (2010). Autoimmunity to desmocollin 3 in pemphigus vulgaris. Am J Pathol, 177(6), 2724-30.
- Jaskowski TD, Donaldson MR, Hull CM, Wilson AR, Hill HR, Zone JJ, Book LS (2010). Novel screening assay performance in pediatric celiac disease and adult dermatitis herpetiformis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 51(1), 19-23.
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- Donaldson MR, Book LS, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2008). Strongly positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies are associated with Marsh 3 histopathology in adult and pediatric celiac disease. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42(3), 256-60.
- Donaldson MR, Zone JJ, Schmidt LA, Taylor TB, Neuhausen SL, Hull CM, Meyer LJ (2007). Epidermal transglutaminase deposits in perilesional and uninvolved skin in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. J Invest Dermatol, 127(5), 1268-71.
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- Donaldson MR, Firth SD, Wimpee H, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ, Horsley W, OGorman MA, Jackson WD, Neuhausen SL, Hull CM, Book LS (2007). Correlation of duodenal histology with tissue transglutaminase and endomysial antibody levels in pediatric celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 5(5), 567-73.
- Donaldson MR, Firth SD, Wimpee H, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ, Horsley W, OGorman MA, Jackson WD, Neuhausen SL, Hull CM, Book LS (2007). Correlation of duodenal histology with tissue transglutaminase and endomysial antibody levels in pediatric celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 5(5), 567-73.
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- Trocme SD, Leiferman KM, George T, Bonini S, Foster CS, Smit EE, Sra SK, Grabowski LR, Dohlman CH (2003). Neutrophil and eosinophil participation in atopic and vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Curr Eye Res, 26(6), 319-25.
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- Neuhausen SL, Feolo M, Camp NJ, Farnham J, Book L, Zone JJ (2002). Genome-wide linkage analysis for celiac disease in North American families. Am J Med Genet, 111(1), 1-9.
- Neuhausen SL, Weizman Z, Camp NJ, Elbedour K, Sheffield VC, Zone JJ, Carmi R (2002). HLA DQA1-DQB1 genotypes in Bedouin families with celiac disease. Hum Immunol, 63(6), 502-7.
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Board Certified
John J. Zone, M.D., Kristin M. Leiferman, M.D., and Melanie K. Kuechle, M.D. are American Board of Dermatology Diplomats in Dermatology and Dermatological Immunology / Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology. Mazdak A. Khalighi, M.D. and Margaret M. Cocks, Ph.D., M.D. are American Board of Pathology Diplomats in Anatomic Pathology. Dr. Khalighi additionally has fellowship training and faculty experience in Renal Pathology/Immunopathology. Dr. Cocks additionally is an American Board of Pathology Diplomat in Clinical Pathology and is an American Board of Dermatology Diplomat in Dermatology and Dermatopathology. Drs. Khalighi and Cocks have had specialized, fellowship-equivalent training in laboratory immunodermatology by Drs. Zone and Leiferman.
Contact Us
Immunodermatology Laboratory,
Department of Dermatology
University of Utah Health
417 South Wakara Way, Suite 2151
Salt Lake City, UT 84108