DOIM Safety Tips
The Department of Internal Medicine takes safety concerns very seriously, and we should all do our part to ensure our own safety as well as helping to protect others. With recent security issues across campus, we wanted to ensure employees are practicing safety measures while at work with a few tips:
- Wear your ID badge while at work.
- Lock your workstation whenever you step away (WIN+L key to lock your computer).
- Lock up your office and/or belongings whenever you step away.
- If you are in the School of Medicine (building 521) and you see an unknown and suspicious person in your area, stop them (if you feel you can do so safely), inquire, and bring them to the chair’s office (SOM 4C104) so administration can help them. If you have safety concerns, call 801-585-COPS. If it is outside of office hours and you have safety concerns, please call 801-585-COPS directly. For off-campus locations, please contact your local law enforcement or call 911.
- Secure and lock your area when you leave for the day.
- If you are working alone in an area, lock the area for your own safety.
- Do not walk alone in the dark. Call 801-581-2295 or 801-585-COPS for an on-campus escort instead of walking alone in the dark.
- Do not give out any information about our personnel to a stranger (do not confirm their employment here, or provide a direct phone number, etc.). It is best to take down their contact information and let them know you will look into it. Report your interaction to your direct supervisor.
- Communicate any, and all, safety issues or concerns to your supervisor and department leadership
Please let department administration know if you have any questions or concerns. You are all valuable members of our department, and we want everyone to feel safe and to work in a safe environment. For safety questions or concerns, please call the main office at 801-581-7606 or email dept_of_internal_medicine@hsc.utah.edu.
For more information, including the University's #SafeU website and training courses on gun safety, please visit additional resources located on the right side of this page.