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Faculty Development Oversight Program

Goals & Phenotype of Target Faculty:

  1. Early career faculty interested in a funded investigator-physician career path
  2. Open to other early/mid-career faculty interested in a strong academic/research presence
  3. Soon to be expanded to clinical faculty - Goal: Clinical Practice/Clinical Program Development

Faculty Development Oversight Committee:

  • James Fang, MD, Division Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Stavros Drakos, MD/PhD, Director of CV Research, Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Plus 1-3 experts in the specific research/area of interest of the junior faculty (internal or external to our institution - external members participate through online video calls)

Frequency of Meetings:

  • At least once a year (committee or faculty member may request increased frequency)

Concepts & Principles Driving the Program:

  • expectations
  • milestones
  • allocation of recourses
  • strategic alignment with ongoing Research and Clinical initiatives
  • timing to expand to additional research areas/new opportunities Vs. focus on specific area