Ramkumar Lab
Welcome to the Ramkumar Research Lab
Our primary interest is to understand the role of regulatory systems in regulation of blood pressure and kidney function. Specifically, we study the renin angiotensin and endothelin systems using genetically altered mouse models with over-expression or deletion of selective components. We use molecular biology techniques, whole animal physiologic studies and cell culture experiments to delineate the functional significance of each component under physiological and pathological conditions. We are currently investigating the role of soluble (pro)renin receptor in blood pressure regulation and chronic kidney disease.
Research in the laboratory has been supported by American Society of Nephrology, American Diabetes Association, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research, University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University/University of Utah Diabetes Research Center and National Kidney Foundation of Utah and Idaho.

Nirupama Ramkumar, MD, MPH