Members of our division are engaged in ongoing basic and clinical research projects. If you are interested in participating or have further questions about the research, please contact the physicians involved in these projects.
Clinical Studies
- CHIC Medical Home Demonstration Project - Dr. Lynne Kerr
- Clinical trials in Epilepsy - Dr. Matthew Sweney
- Genetics of Tic Disorders and Tourette Syndrome - Dr. Fran Filloux
- International Pediatric Stroke Study - Dr. Susan Benedict or Dr. Gary Nelson
- Pediatric Motor Disorders Research Program - Dr. Russ Butterfield
- Western Leukodystrophy Project - Dr. Josh Bonkowsky or Dr. Gary Nelson
- Multiple Sclerosis Research - Dr. Meghan Candee or Dr. Michael Lloyd
- Headache Treatment Research - Dr. Meghan Candee
- Neonatal Care and Outcomes Research - Dr. Betsy Ostrander
Basic Science
Mechanisms and Diseases in Neurodevelopment - Dr. Josh Bonkowsky
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