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All applicants to the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah must meet the minimum MCAT and GPA requirements in order to be eligible for a secondary application. Upon meeting these requirements, the SFESOM Admissions Committee considers all aspects of the medical school application through a holistic review process. Applicants must meet a variety of academic and activity requirements, as the balance of outside activities and responsibilities with school or work can be an indicator of one’s ability to navigate the personal and professional challenges they may face as a physician.

Applicants interested in applying to the MSTP program (formerly MD-PhD) should also review the respective criteria and requirements for that program.

The SFESOM MD Program does not accept Early Decision Program (EDP) applications.


View the sections below for the specific criteria required for the SFESOM MD application:

    Bachelor's degree

    • An applicant’s bachelor’s degree must be completed at a regionally accredited institution in the United States or Canada prior to matriculation to the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah.
    • If an applicant does not have a bachelor’s degree but has earned a doctoral-level (terminal degree) from a regionally accredited U.S. or Canadian institution that did not require a bachelor’s degree for entrance, they may apply if they will earn or have earned the doctoral degree by July 1 of the year they will begin medical school.

    No specific or recommended undergraduate major required

    • The degree may be in the discipline of the applicant's choosing, as long as required premedical coursework has been completed. The SFESOM recommends that students choose a major field for which they have enthusiasm and interest.


    The SFESOM employs a matrix model when considering an applicant's GPA and MCAT scores.

    Applicants with MCAT scores and undergraduate GPA within the following ranges are encouraged to apply to our program:

    • An MCAT Total of 494-497 and an undergraduate GPA of 3.80 or higher
    • An MCAT total of 498-499 and an undergraduate GPA of 3.60 or higher
    • An MCAT total of 500 and an undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or higher



    Only an applicant's total cumulative undergraduate GPA as calculated by AMCAS will be considered with their application. Post-Baccalaureate GPA is factored into the undergraduate GPA, however graduate GPA will not be considered. 

    SFESOM does not consider MCAT subsections and will use an applicant's highest overall MCAT score in the matrix. 

    All applicants are required to take the MCAT within four (4) years of their matriculation to medical school.

    Only MCAT exams taken after January 2021 through September 2024 will be considered for the 2024-2025 application cycle. 

    Visit the AAMC MCAT Testing Calendar for specific dates, deadlines, and testing information.   

    SFESOM applicants are required to complete the AAMC PREview exam (formerly known as the AAMC SJT) in order to be considered for an interview invitation. 

    • Applicants can begin registering for the exam from January - August, with exam dates available from March – September. Visit the AAMC PREview Testing Calendar for dates, deadlines and registration information. Testing accommodations can be requested through AAMC.

      Due to our school’s rolling admissions process, applicants are encouraged to complete the PREview exam as early as they are able. Applicants can schedule their test date independently from institutions and do not need to wait for a secondary application invite, interview invite, or acceptance to sign up or take the PREview.
    • SFESOM applicants must take the PREview exam by September of the year of application. Applications that are missing or pending a PREview Exam score at the time of their secondary application deadline will be marked as incomplete and will be held for interview consideration until the PREview score is released. Applicants who do not complete the PREview exam by the September deadline will not be considered for interview. 
    • All applicants are required to take the PREview exam within four (4) years of their matriculation to medical school, and only an applicant’s highest PREview (or AAMC SJT) score will be considered. Only exams taken after January 2021 through September 2024 will be considered for the 2024-2025 application cycle.   
    • Retesting Policy
      Even if you have already taken the PREview exam in 2024, you still have the opportunity to re-test within the calendar year. Each examinee is allowed to take the PREview exam twice per administration year, with a lifetime limit of four times starting from the 2024 administration. Please refer to the PREview Registration website for the most up-to-date exam registration dates and testing deadlines.


    The AAMC PREview professional readiness exam is a situational judgement test developed and administered by the AAMC. It is a standardized exam designed to assess examinees’ understanding of effective pre-professional behavior across eight core competencies for entering medical school. The PREview exam will be held virtually, allowing applicants to take the test from anywhere online while maintaining a high level of security with live, remote human proctoring. 

    AAMC PREview Registration Fee: $100.00
    * This registration fee is waived for those who have been approved for the AAMC Fee Assistance Program. Applicants must be awarded Fee Assistance Program benefits prior to paying the PREview registration fee – Fee Assistance Program benefits are not retroactive. No refunds will be issued if you register for the PREview exam first and your Fee Assistance Program application is later approved.

    Stay Updated on PREview Participating Schools
    Participating schools, including those affiliated with the American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®), Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Services (TMDSAS), and American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS), are listed on the AAMC PREview website

    Additionally, it is essential that any students who are planning to apply to medical school for the 2025 cycle check whether the schools they are interested in require or recommend taking the PREview exam.

    AAMC PREview FAQ

    Preparing for PREview


    Applicants are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that are of interest to them and support their goals toward becoming a physician. 

    All activities must have occurred since high school graduation and are encouraged to align with the AAMC Premed Competencies for Entering Medical Students.

    Please note that examples listed below are not comprehensive and are provided as application guidance. Each applicant is encouraged to list their own unique experiences to present their strongest application. 

    Clinical Experience  

    Experiences in a clinical setting demonstrating a commitment to medicine and providing patient care, understanding of the typical day of a physician, and/or interaction with different specialties, medical environments, and patient populations.  

    Examples of clinical experiences may include:  

    • Shadowing or working with physicians (MD or DO).  
    • Employment as a medical scribe and/or within clinical research.  
    • Patient care roles that interface with physicians or other healthcare professionals (including but not limited to CNA, dialysis tech, EKG tech, EMT, medical assistant, patient advocate, phlebotomist, psych tech, RN, LPN, midwife, military medic, medical interpretation, etc.)  
    • Volunteering in health care roles that allow a person to observe or participate in one or more aspect(s) of the clinical care experience.  
    • Any other clinical experiences that may not directly interface with physicians but have been valuable as part of your overall exploration of medicine.   

    Community Engagement  

    Experiences demonstrating a commitment to service and community involvement.  

    Examples of community engagement activities may include:

    • Unpaid volunteer experiences (clinical and non-clinical)  
    • Paid community engagement activities (e.g., employment with a non-profit organization)
    • Community outreach through campus clubs or local organizations
    • Service activities resulting in positive impact on the communities served and a willingness to contribute to the welfare of others. 


    Demonstrated experiences showcasing one’s abilities to lead, make decisions, and/or hold positions of responsibility.  

    Examples of leadership activities may include:

    • Positions of responsibility of others through employment, school, religious groups, clubs, or community service.  
    • Positions of responsibility related to managing projects or outcomes.  

    Intellectual Curiosity

    Involvement in activities that demonstrate initiative, achievements, and evidence of continued learning and growth as it relates to research, academia, or professional endeavors.  

    Examples of intellectual curiosity activities may include: 

    • Research -- Including, but not limited to: Research completed as part of a class or project, demonstrated understanding of the research process, experiences and the functions of working in a lab environment. Research may be completed across a variety of subjects and specialties.  
    • Academic Projects and Achievements -- Including, but not limited to: Thesis, capstone projects, poster presentations, awards or recognitions, academic endeavors or achievements that further one's education or skills.  
    • Professional Growth and Career Endeavors -- Including, but not limited to: Career Certifications (EMT, CPR, CNA, etc.), business involvement or entrepreneurship, professional development courses or certificates, organizational memberships/participation (national groups/organizations), conference attendance, leadership forums, etc.), other impactful projects or achievements related to one’s employment or career goals.  

    Additional Activities

    Applicants may have activities that may not fit into one designated category but may be valuable to their application. 

    Examples of additional activities may include:

    • Creative endeavors or extracurricular activities
    • Military service
    • Full-time student athletic participation (lasting longer than one year)
    • Caring for or being the primary caretaker of an ill family member
    • Full-time employment or other activities that may have impacted one's application or preparation for medical school 


    • Prerequisite courses must be taken for credit and a passing grade at a regionally accredited institution in the United States or Canada prior to matriculation to medical school. 
    • Courses completed through regionally accredited online institutions, two-year institutions, community colleges, and/or concurrent enrollment programs are also accepted.
    • Acceptance is conditional pending successful completion of prerequisite coursework requirements.

    Due to online courses being mandatory at most colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic, applicants will not be required to earn a letter grade to meet our premedical coursework requirements beginning Spring 2020, per their individual institution's grading policies during that time period.  

    • All courses must be taken for credit, but can be graded as Pass/Fail.
    • Applicants are encouraged to earn a letter grade if possible to impact GPA.
    • We are monitoring the situation moving forward, and will update requirements accordingly.
    • Premedical coursework prior to Spring 2020 must have a letter grade.


    General Chemistry Two (2) courses completing a general chemistry series with all course-required labs*
    Organic Chemistry Two (2) courses completing an organic chemistry series with all course-required labs*
    Physics Two (2) courses with all course-required labs*



    Two (2) courses with all course-required labs*

    • One (1) course must be in Cellular Biology or Biochemistry 

    Two (2) courses

    • Courses must emphasize written or verbal communication in the English language
    Social Science

    One (1) course

    • Examples include: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Political Science

    One (1) course

    • Examples include: Art, Music, Dance, Theatre, History, Philosophy, Literature, Communication

    *Course-required labs: Lab courses that are required to complete a given course as offered by the institution. If a course does not have a required lab component, students are not required to take an additional lab to meet SFESOM requirements. If students are unsure if a course in question has a required lab, it is recommended to contact an academic advisor within their institution. 




    • One course may not be used to fulfill two requirements. 
    • Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), independent study, and correspondence courses do not satisfy these requirements and will not be counted. *Exception: AP Chemistry credit earned with a score of 4 or 5 can fulfill one (1) semester of general chemistry. AP Chemistry credit must be posted on the official transcript in order to be counted.
    • Courses in mathematics, statistics, physiology, anatomy, human behavior, foreign language, or research methods are recommended but are not required.
    • Applicants should consider courses that will help develop skills in independent thinking, decision-making, communication, and research, as these are invaluable skills physicians regularly employ throughout their careers.
    • Coursework does not expire, though it is strongly recommended that applicants contact the premedical advisor at their institution for assistance in planning the specific course work that meets necessary requirements, expectations, and criteria.

    All applications to the SFESOM must be submitted through the American Medical College Application Services (AMCAS) website.

    AMCAS Applications must be submitted between May and October of one's application year, with a SFESOM priority consideration submission date of August 1 and a final submission deadline of October 1.  See the Admissions timeline for more details.

    Fee Waivers

    • The SFESOM does not offer fee waivers, but will honor fee waivers granted by the AAMC Fee Assistance Program and their guidelines.
    • Applicants applying for AAMC fee assistance should submit their SFESOM application after the AAMC waiver has been granted to guarantee eligibility for fee exception. Waivers cannot be applied retroactively.
    • Visit the Fee Assistance Program webpage to learn about program eligibility and requirements, program benefits, FAQs, and more.

    AMCAS Application Updates:

    • Once an application has been verified by AMCAS, information cannot be added or deleted from it. 
    • The SFESOM Office of Admissions is unable to make any changes to an AMCAS application, however any changes to an applicant's degree information after submission of the AMCAS application must be reported to the Office of Admissions at
    • Any updates to an applicant's name, address, legal state, phone number, email, or other contact information must be updated by the applicant through the AMCAS system.
    • Please refer to the AMCAS Application FAQ page with any questions. If the question is not addressed in the FAQ section, you may contact AMCAS directly.

    ​​​​​​If invited to complete a Secondary Application, applicants will be required to submit the application fee and all application materials by the deadline provided at the time of invite.

    • Secondary Application Fee - $110.00 (non-refundable)

    Fee Waivers

    • The SFESOM does not offer fee waivers, but will honor fee waivers granted by the AAMC Fee Assistance Program and their guidelines.
    • Applicants applying for AAMC fee assistance should submit their SFESOM application after the AAMC waiver has been granted to guarantee eligibility for fee exception. Waivers cannot be applied retroactively.
    • Visit the Fee Assistance Program webpage to learn about program eligibility and requirements, program benefits, FAQs, and more.

    Secondary Application Updates: 

    • Once a Secondary Application has been submitted, no changes or updates can be made to the application. It is encouraged for applicants to complete all activities and application requirements by their provided Secondary Application deadline. 

    Applicants are required to submit a minimum of three (3) letters.  

    • Individual letters, letter packets, and committee letters are all accepted by SFESOM. Please refer to the  letter types accepted by AMCAS for more information.
    • All letters must be submitted to the AMCAS Letter Service with the AMCAS application to be eligible to receive a secondary application. 
    • If an applicant is having difficulties obtaining their letters within the provided timeline, or has any questions regarding letter requirements, please contact the Office of Admissions at for assistance. 

    Additional information:  

    • Letters are recommended to be dated within a year of application.
    • Letters are recommended to include a signature from the letter writer. Electronic or digital signatures are accepted.
    • Use of letterhead is preferred but not required.
    • Applicants are encouraged to consider requesting letters from those who may know them well, who can speak to their abilities and experience (academic and otherwise – leadership, service, personal growth, etc.), and can write a strong letter.


    Applicants are required to submit a variety of statements and short answer essays throughout the application process. We encourage applicants to pull from all corners of their experiences - past and present - and focus on how those experiences have directed you toward medicine and shaped you into the physician you hope to become.

    Personal Statement

    • The Personal Statement is submitted with the AMCAS application, and applicants should consider why they want to be a physician and use this essay as an opportunity to genuinely express their reasons and passion for choosing this career path.

    SFESOM Secondary Application Short Essays

    • Why SFESOM Essay
      • Applicants will be asked to explain why they are choosing to apply to the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah and how they may contribute to the school's learning culture.
    • Reapplication Essay 
      • Reapplicants to the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah will be asked to share how they have reshaped and reaffirmed their goals to become a physician and what motivates them to reapply to the SFESOM.

    To be eligible for admission to the MD program, applicants must: 


    • Complete a bachelor’s or doctoral level degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or Canada prior to matriculation
    • Complete all SFESOM admissions requirements (listed above)

    For DACA & Undocumented Students:
    To be eligible for admission, DACA and undocumented applicants must qualify for Utah House Bill 144 and complete all SFESOM admissions requirements. 

    Students with DACA or undocumented status are not eligible for Title IV federal and state financial aid, however, they may be eligible to apply for University of Utah institutional scholarships. Many students apply for private loans to cover their cost of attendance.

    Upon acceptance, DACA or undocumented students may qualify for reduced tuition through a non-resident tuition waiver if they meet the eligibility requirements for Utah House Bill 144

    For more information on House Bill 144 and non-resident tuition waivers, please visit the U of U Non-Resident Tuition Waiver website.

    To learn more about residency for seat allocation and tuition purposes, please see our residency and non-residency page