APR Group
The Anesthesia Psychiatry Research (APR) group is a multidisciplinary, interdepartmental collaboration. It combines exceptional clinicians and scientists who have an overriding commitment to improve the treatment of depression, pain, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Autism Research
Our research is critical to understanding the causes of autism and, ultimately, to developing successful treatments for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). By studying genetics, biomarkers, epidemiology, and brain imaging we are learning more about what is happening biologically in children and adults who have autism.
Diagnostic Neuroimaging
Our research team proposes to treat mood disorders and depression in Utah with nutritional supplements to increase good energy levels in the brain. We use brain scans to look at brain chemistry to give researchers a better understanding of mood disorders.
The Multifaceted Explorations of the Neurobiology of Depressive Disorders (MEND2) laboratory uses biopsychosocial tools, including neuroimaging, performance, self- and other-report, and blood and saliva assays in mood disorders. We use these tools to identify biomarkers inform precision medicine, including diagnosis, risk, treatment selection, treatment effectiveness, and course modification.
Mickey Lab
We aim to understand the neurobiological causes of depression and related diseases, to discern the mechanisms of effective antidepressant interventions, and to develop novel therapies for treatment-resistant depression.
Non-Invasive Neurostimulation Program
The Non-Invasive Neurostimulation Program is a collaborative effort between the Department of Psychiatry and the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI).
Psychiatric Genomics Lab
The Psychiatric Genomics Laboratory (PG Lab) is a data science workshop focused on enhancing the prediction and prevention of multiple psychiatric disorders. We examine genetic and environmental contributions to psychiatric illness, and study the interplay of psychiatric and medical conditions.
Suicide Genetics
Studying the genetics of suicide is a daunting task. As opposed to genetically simple illnesses, such as Huntington’s disease, suicide is very heterogeneous. Most individuals who commit suicide struggle with mental illness. However, most individuals with mental illness do not commit suicide, which suggests that additional specific risk factors, some of which may be genetic, probably exist.
The Utah Registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities (URADD) uses a passive, population-based system to determine the number and characteristics of persons in Utah with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD).