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Huntsman Mental Health Institute

Rapaport and Kinkead Research Group

About Our Research

The Rapaport and Kinkead Research Group, led by principal investigators Mark Rapaport, MD, and Becky Kinkead, PhD, explores the interface between psychiatry and complementary and integrative medicine.

Discovering Integrative Health Solutions for Depression, Anxiety, and Cancer Fatigue

The Rapaport and Kinkead Research Group focuses on complementary and integrative health treatments for psychiatric disorders involving chronic inflammation. Our two primary areas of research are omega-3 fatty acids as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and the mechanism of action of Swedish massage therapy (SMT) as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and cancer-related fatigue. 

Our research group has been funded by NCCIH and NCI to investigate the mechanism of action of SMT and have conducted two pilot studies of SMT as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Ongoing studies are evaluating the  efficacy of massage for prostate cancer-related fatigue and the neural correlates of massage for GAD. 

The group is also conducting an NCCIH-funded, multisite, 12-week, randomized placebo-controlled, double-masked, augmentation trial of 4 g/day EPA-enriched omega-3 fatty acid treatment in adults with MDD, inadequate response to antidepressants (TRD), BMI >25 and ≤ 40 kg/m2 and inflammation (hs-CRP ≥ 3 and ≤ 10 mg/L). This study will determine if plasma 18-HEPE (an EPA-derived specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator precursor) is a mediator of treatment response. Further, this study will include additional evidence of safety and tolerability, and evaluate the strength of the association between target engagement and change in symptoms and/or function.

Learn more about our research

Project 1: NIH/NIMH R01MH123451

Latino Ancestry Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (LA-GPC) | Rapaport (Site PI)

The LA-GPC supports a large expansion of the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort through the collection and genomic analysis of patients suffering with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (cases) and unaffected controls with Latino ancestry (LA).

Project 2: NIH/NCI R21CA263453

Massage for Prostate Cancer-Related Fatigue | Rapaport (PI)

Fatigue is one of the most common and poorly managed symptoms among the approximately 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States and occurs across all cancer types and treatments. Prostate cancer survivors who have undergone radiation and androgen deprivation therapy represent a largely ignored group of patients who are plagued by fatigue. Understanding the underlying cause of cancer-related fatigue as well as finding safe, inexpensive, and effective interventions, such as massage therapy, for managing this prevalent and distressing symptom is urgently needed.

Project 3: NIH/NCCIH R33AT012329-01

Specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and treatment resistant depression | Rapaport (PI)

At least one-third of patients who receive treatment for major depressive disorder do not attain remission and there is a growing agreement that increased inflammatory activity contributes to the persistence of depressive symptoms in many of these patients, presenting the opportunity for novel treatment approaches. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce signs of inflammation and may have benefit for treatment of depression, especially in combination with other antidepressant drugs. This study will test whether omega-3 fatty acids added to ineffective antidepressant treatment increase compounds that resolve inflammation and whether the increase in these compounds is associated with improved antidepressant response.

Project 4: NIH/NCCIH R21AT011940-01A

Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Neuroimaging and clinical correlates of response | Rapaport (PI)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) has a lifetime prevalence between 4-6% and is highly distressing and disabling to patients and their loved ones. We have demonstrated that 6 weeks of Swedish massage therapy decreases the symptoms of anxiety and depression in subjects with GAD. The proposed study will investigate the effects of Swedish massage therapy on brain activity in subjects with GAD.

University of Utah Collaborators

Meet our research team

Principal Investigators

Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD

Professor, Psychiatry

Dr. Rapaport is board-certified in Psychiatry. His clinical focus includes psychopharmacology, psychoneuroimmunology, and complementary and integrative medicine.

View complete profile

Becky Kinkead, PhD

Research Professor, Psychiatry

Dr. Kinkead is a Research Professor of Psychiatry. Her focus is on complementary approaches to the treatment of anxiety, depression, and cancer-related fatigue. She provides expertise in grantsmanship and serves in leadership roles at Huntsman Mental Health Institute.

View complete profile

Research Group Members

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Selected Publications

  • Lamon-Fava S, Liu M, Dunlop BW, Kinkead B, Schettler PJ, Felger JC, Ziegler TR, Fava M, Mischoulon D, Rapaport MH. Clinical response to EPA supplementation in patients with major depressive disorder is associated with higher plasma concentrations of pro-resolving lipid mediators. Neuropsychopharmacology (2023) 2023 May;48(6):929-935. PMCID: PMC10156711
  • Mac Giollabhui N, Mischoulon D, Dunlop BW, Kinkead B, Schettler PJ, Liu RT, Okereke OI, Lamon-Fava S, Fava M, Rapaport MH (2023). Individuals with depression exhibiting a pro-inflammatory phenotype receiving omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids experience improved motivation-related cognitive function: Preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial. Brain Behav Immun Health, 32, 100666.
  • Rapaport MH, Schettler PJ, Larson ER, Edwards SA, Dunlop BW, Rakofsky JJ, Kinkead B (2023) A preliminary descriptive report of the longevity of the effects of Swedish massage therapy for subjects with generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 33:176-181.
  • Mischoulon D*, Dunlop BW*, Kinkead B, Schettler PJ, Lamon-Fava S, Rakofsky JJ, Nierenberg AA, Clain AJ, Mletzko-Crowe T, Wong A, Felger JC, Sangermano L, Ziegler TR, Cusin C, Fisher LB, Fava M**, Rapaport MH**. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Major Depressive Disorder with High Inflammation: A Randomized Dose-Finding Clinical Trial. J Clin Psychiatry (2022). Aug 22;83(5):21m14074. doi: 10.4088/JCP.21m14074. PMID: 36005883 *co-first authors, **co-senior authors.
  • Dunlop BW, Rakofsky JJ, Mischoulon D, Mayberg HS, Kinkead B, Nierenberg AA, Ziegler TR, Fava M, Rapaport MH (2021). The United States Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation for Individuals (USiDep). Pers Med Psychiatry, (Mar-Apr), 31-32.
  • Lamon-Fava S, So J, Mischoulon D, Ziegler TR, Dunlop BD, Kinkead B, Schettler PJ, Nierenberg AA, Felger JC, Maddipati KR, Fava M, Rapaport MH (2021) Dose- and time-dependent increase in circulating anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators following eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation in patients with major depressive disorder and chronic inflammation. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. 2021 Jan;164:102219. doi: 10.1016/j.plefa.2020.102219. PMCID: PMC7855824
  • Rapaport MH, Schettler PJ, Larson ER, Dunlop BW, Rakofsky JJ, Kinkead B (2021). Six versus twelve weeks of Swedish massage therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Preliminary findings. Complement Ther Med, 56, 102593. PMCID: PMC7770051
  • Kinkead B, Schettler PJ, Larson ER, Carroll D, Sharenko M, Nettles J, Edwards SA, Miller AH, Torres MA, Dunlop BW, Rakofsky JJ, Rapaport MH (2018) Massage Therapy Decreases Cancer-Related Fatigue: Results from a Randomized Trial. Cancer. 124:546-554. PMID: 29044466, PMCID: PMC5780237.
  • Larson E, Kinkead B, Edwards S, Schettler PJ, Dunlop BW, Rakofsky JJ, Rapaport MR (2018) Model structure for protocol adherence utilizing a manualized therapeutic massage intervention. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. Oct 12. doi: 10.1515/jcim-2016-0118
  • Rapaport MH, Nierenberg A, Schettler P, Kinkead B, Cardoos A, Walker R, Mischoulon D (2016) Inflammation as a predictive biomarker for response to omega-3 fatty acids in major depressive disorder: a proof-of-concept study. Mol Psychiatry. Jan; 21(1):71-79. doi: 10.1038/mp.2015.22. PMID: 25802980. PMCID: PMC4581883
  • Rapaport MH, Nierenberg AA, Schettler PJ, Kinkead B, Cardoos A, Martinson M, Mischoulon D (2015) Major depressive disorder, inflammation and omega-3 fatty acids: A proof of concept study. Mol Psychiatry. Jan; 21(1):71-79. PMCID: PMC4581883.


Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD
Principal Investigator

Becky Kinkead, PhD
Principal Investigator