Resident Research and Engagement
At University of Utah Health, we believe robust training in research is a critical part of becoming a strong radiologist, no matter what your future career plans may be. Learning to become a skilled consumer of the latest scientific research is vital in Radiology given the rapid advancements within our field. Radiologists have a wide array of research opportunities ranging from leading their own scientific inquiries to acting as essential collaborators with other clinicians or research scientists utilizing imaging as a research tool. With strong research faculty mentors and a highly collaborative, creative academic environment, we put no limits on what you can accomplish.
We have a long tradition of residents participating in some form of research, from multi-year MRI physics projects, impactful clinical research evaluating optimal imaging to follow-up various disease processes, to participating in clinical trials of novel breast cancer treatment. Several residents have received grant funding for research during training. With a wide variety of clinical and technical research taking place throughout our department, as a resident you can find many unique avenues to explore research interests. We encourage you to share your work in our local scientific seminars and to our radiology colleagues around the world at international conferences.
Support Resources: Residents can select dedicated research time as a focused track and/or an elective in their 4th year. The department provides protected time away from clinical duties, travel, food, and lodging for you to attend scientific meetings to present your work. Your productive faculty research mentors and our Research Support Services are here to provide assistance at every stage of the research process. In particular, residents can receive formal statistical help from trained statisticians in creating grant proposals and analyzing research data. Residents are also eligible to participate in a 13-week grant writing course offered free twice a year, where you are guided through the elements of strong NIH-length proposal, instructed on clear scientific writing, and given the experience of a mock review.